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Which bits of the status register are and used?

Which bits of the status register are and used?

The representation of the 8 bits in the status register are:

  • Bit 0: Carry Flag.
  • Bit 1: Zero Flag.
  • Bit 2: Negative Flag.
  • Bit 3: Two’s Complement Overflow Flag.
  • Bit 4: Sign Bit.
  • Bit 5: Half Carry Flag.
  • Bit 6: Bit Copy Storage.
  • Bit 7: Global Interrupt Enable.

How many bits does status register hold?

The Status Register has 16 bits, with each bit having a flag.

Which bits of the status register are not used?

If the STATUS register is the destination for an instruction that affects the Z, DC or C bits, then the write to these three bits is disabled. These bits are set or cleared according to device logic. Furthermore, the TO and PD bits are not writable.

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How many bits of registers are in controller?

Discussion Forum

Que. The registers of the controller are ______.
b. 24 bits
c. 32 bits
d. 16 bits
Answer:32 bits

What is status bit condition status register explain with diagram?

The status register lets an instruction take action contingent on the outcome of a previous instruction. Typically, flags in the status register are modified as effects of arithmetic and bit manipulation operations. For example, a Z bit may be set if the result of the operation is zero and cleared if it is nonzero.

What is the status register in AVR?

The Status Register in AVR The Status Register (SREG) contains information about the result of the most recently executed arithmetic instruction. This information can be used for altering program flow in order to perform conditional operations. SREG is updated after any of ALU operations by hardware.

What is status register in microcontroller?

The status register is a hardware register that contains information about the state of the processor. The status register lets an instruction take action contingent on the outcome of a previous instruction. Typically, flags in the status register are modified as effects of arithmetic and bit manipulation operations.

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What is processor status register?

The Processor Status Register (abbreviated as P) is a hardware register which records the condition of the CPU as a result of arithmetic, logical or command operations.

Which flag bit of status register is affected by BST instruction?

A bit from a register in the register file can be copied into T by the BST instruction, and a bit in T can be copied into a bit in a register in the register file by the BLD instruction. The half carry flag H indicates a half carry in some arithmetic operations.

Which of the following is 16bit register in 8051?

The accumulator, R0–R7 registers and B register are 1-byte value registers. It is used by the 8051 to access external memory using the address indicated by DPTR. DPTR is the only 16-bit register available and is often used to store 2-byte values.

What is a register in a microcontroller?

In short, it’s a chunk of memory usually consisting of anywhere from 8 to 64 bits of data. Each bit is assigned a value of 1 or 0, and the value of each bit in the MANY different registers in a microcontroller tell the rest of the system what to do and when to do it. Most of the registers in the ATMEGA328P chip on the Arduino are 8-16 bits.

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How does the status register work?

The Status register is accessible from all 4 banks. The bits of the Status register as as follows: This bit is Readable and Writable and after a reset it’s value will be unknown. If an instruction executed has an effect on this bit, then this bit becomes automatically and temporarily Read Only.

What are the bits that are not writable in the status register?

These bits are set or cleared according to device logic. Furthermore, the TO and PD bits are not writable. Therefore, the result of an instruction with the STATUS register as destination may be different than intended. For example, CLRF STATUS will clear the upper-three bits and set the Z bit.

What is a bit in a microcontroller?

In short, it’s a chunk of memory usually consisting of anywhere from 8 to 64 bits of data. Each bit is assigned a value of 1 or 0, and the value of each bit in the MANY different registers in a microcontroller tell the rest of the system what to do and when to do it.
