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Which compound leaves a black residue when heated?

Which compound leaves a black residue when heated?

One possibility is CuCO3 (cupric carbonate). CuCO3 is a greenish colored solid that when heated, yields the black solid, CuO (cupric oxide) and the gas CO2 (carbon dioxide).

What produces brown gas when heated?

Lead nitrate
Nitrates are common components of fertilizers and explosives. And for the given question the answer is, Lead nitrate is the desired nitrate that produces the brown gas in the process of heating.

What forms a black solid when heated?

On heating the copper carbonate, it breaks down into two substances, that is, copper (II) oxide, which is black solid (Q) and colourless carbon-dioxide gas (X). It is an endothermic reaction.

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What is the brown black residue?

Soot, sometimes called lampblack or carbon black, is a fine black or brown powder that can be slightly sticky and is a product of incomplete combustion.

Which nitrate on heating gives a black residue?

The heating of copper (II) nitrate, results in the loss of a water molecule. When this anhydrous copper (II) nitrate is further heated it gives a black residue of copper oxide and also gives out a brown gas i.e., of nitrogen dioxide and a colorless gas which is of oxygen.

Which metallic nitrate on heating leaves a black residue behind?

Ammonium Nitrate,on heating it gives, nitrous oxide and water vapour.

What is brown gas?

Brown’s gas is a chemical used in high-powered lights and lamps, torches, and welding tools. Brown’s gas is a mixture of the elements of water in the same proportions as water: hydrogen and oxygen mixed at a 2:1 ration.

Which of the following gives Brown colour gas?

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Nitric oxide, NO, reacts with oxygen gas to form nitrogen dioxide, a dark brown gas.

What happens when you heat copper carbonate?

Copper carbonate decomposes (breaks down) when it is heated into copper oxide and carbon dioxide.

What is the identity test for hydrogen gas?

Burning splint test
Burning splint test A splint is lit and held near the opening of the tube, then the stopper is removed to expose the splint to the gas. If the gas is flammable, the mixture ignites. This test is most commonly used to identify hydrogen, which extinguishes with a distinctive ‘squeaky pop’ sound.

What is the black residue obtained on heating copper carbonate?

When copper carbonate is heated it decomposes and liberates carbon dioxide gas and a black residue of copper oxide.

What is the black residue obtained by heating sugar in a boiling tube?

Answer: The black stuff is called burnt sugar! But seriously, this is what happens when you heat or burn things that contain carbon. It reacts with oxygen and “oxidizes” (burns).