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Which countries have moved their capital?

Which countries have moved their capital?

Throughout the world there are many cities that were once national capitals but no longer have that status because the country ceased to exist, the capital was moved, or the capital city was renamed….Southern Africa.

Country Malawi
Today a part of Malawi
From 1964
Until 1975
Change, reason Capital moved to Lilongwe.

Which country changed its capital recently?

In April 2019, it was announced that Jakarta would no longer be the capital of Indonesia in the future, with a 10-year plan to transfer all government offices to a new capital city.

Can you think of another example in history where a capital city was moved?

For instance, throughout history we see rulers using a new capital city to unite different areas. For example, when the Nigerian government moved the capital from Lagos to Abuja in 1990, it did so in part because the country is roughly divided into a Christian south and a Muslim north.

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Which country has changed their capital the most?

Countries Who Have Changed Capital Cities

Rank City Country
1 Abuja Nigeria
2 Belmopan Belize
3 Brasilia Brazil
4 Canberra Australia

Why do countries move their capital city?

Moves to change a country’s capital city are not uncommon, and Indonesia is the latest country to set out a plan to move its capital city. Heavy traffic congestion is a common reason for moving a capital city. Another rationale is the potential to redistribute national wealth.

Who changed the capital?

As such British architects, Sir Edwin Lutyens and Sir Herbert Baker took the charge of redesigning the new capital. The new capital was carved out from undivided Punjab province and was named ‘New Delhi’ in 1927. Initially, everyone was hoping that the new capital would be ready within four years.

What is the newest capital city in Europe?

Bratislava – Slovakia (Central Europe) Photo by Arman Dz.