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Which country consumes the most fertilizer?

Which country consumes the most fertilizer?

Fertilizer Consumption

# 163 Countries 5‑years CAGR
1 #1 Singapore +101.2 \%
2 #2 Qatar +3.1 \%
3 #3 Kuwait +55.1 \%
4 #4 Malaysia -3.4 \%

Who is the largest producer of fertilizers in the world?

Russian Federation is the top country by NPK fertilizers production in the world. As of 2019, NPK fertilizers production in Russian Federation was 7.57 million tonnes that accounts for 30.31\% of the world’s NPK fertilizers production.

What countries use fertilizer?

Agriculture > Fertilizer use: Countries Compared

1 Ireland 594.5 kg
2 Netherlands 450.2 kg
3 Egypt 385.8 kg
4 Costa Rica 385 kg

What country is the largest consumer of nitrogen fertilizers?

Global consumption of nitrogen fertilizer 2018, by country China was the largest consumer of nitrogen fertilizer that year, with more than 23 million metric tons.

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Which country imports the most agricultural products?

China is now the world’s largest agricultural importer, surpassing both the European Union (EU) and the United States in 2019 with imports totaling $133.1 billion.

What country supplies the most food?

The 4 Top Food-Producing countries:

  1. China. China is the world’s biggest producer, importer, and consumer of food.
  2. India. In terms of total calorie content, India is the second-largest food producer in the world.
  3. The United States.
  4. Brazil.

What country produces fertilizer?

Urea Fertilizer Production

# 43 Countries Last
1 #1 Russia 2019
2 #2 Indonesia 2019
3 #3 India 2018
4 #4 Pakistan 2019

How much fertilizer is used per year in the United States?

As fertilizer prices declined in 2010, consumption rebounded to 20.8 million tons (USDA ERS, 2019c). Consumption continued to increase in each subsequent year, up to 23.2 million tons in 2014, and then decreased slightly to 22.0 million tons in 2015.

Is China an agricultural country?

China, a big agricultural country endowed with rich agricultural resources, has a long history of farming and the tradition of intensive cultivation as well as a huge rural population. The Chinese government has always placed high priority on the development of agriculture.