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Which dictionary is most used?

Which dictionary is most used?

Dictionary by Merriam-Webster: America’s most-trusted online dictionary.

What type of word is minimum?

Minimum means the lowest amount or level of something. Minimum can be a noun or an adjective and it has several more specific meanings, all of which are related in some way to its primary meaning. When minimum is used as a noun, its plural can be minimums or, less commonly, minima.

What is the best dictionary to use?

Top 8+ Best Online Dictionaries (2021)

  • Collins Dictionary. Pros. Cons.
  • Wiktionary. Pros. Cons.
  • Google Dictionary. Pros. Cons.
  • Urban Dictionary. Pros. Cons.
  • Oxford Dictionary. Pros. Cons.
  • Macmillan Online Dictionary. Pros. Cons.
  • Cambridge Online Dictionary. Pros. Cons.
  • Dictionary.com.

Which dictionary is used by Google?

Google displayed definitions from Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner’s English Dictionary for English until August 2010 when it switched to the Oxford American College Dictionary.

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What is the best online dictionary?

The 10 Best Online Dictionaries

  • Wiktionary.
  • Google Dictionary.
  • Dictionary.com.
  • The Free Dictionary.
  • Merriam-Webster Online.
  • Cambridge Dictionary Online.
  • Visuwords.
  • Wordia.

Is minimum singular or plural?

The plural form of minimum is minima or minimums.

Is or are the minimum?

“A minimum” (singular) is the grammatical subject of the copula and so the copula should be singular (is).

How do I add a dictionary to my browser?

How to Install the Google Dictionary Chrome Extension

  1. Open Chrome and navigate to the Chrome Web Store.
  2. Search for “Google Dictionary” or follow this link to navigate directly to the listing.
  3. Select Add to Chrome.
  4. Chrome may ask you to confirm you want to add the extension.

Is Oxford languages a dictionary?

Oxford Languages. Google’s English dictionary is provided by Oxford Languages. This dictionary is regularly updated with evidence from one of the world’s largest lexical research programmes, and features over 350,000 words and phrases.