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Which doctor has the best work life balance?

Which doctor has the best work life balance?

Here are the best medical specialities for a good work-life balance:

  • Dermatology.
  • General Practice (Family Medicine)
  • Ophthalmology.
  • Radiology.
  • Psychiatry.
  • ENT (Otolaryngology)
  • Plastic Surgery.

What specialties work the least?

The 6 least competitive medical specialties are:

  • Family Medicine.
  • Pediatrics.
  • Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation.
  • Psychiatry.
  • Anesthesiology.
  • Emergency Medicine.

Who is the smartest DR in the world?

The Smartest Doctor in the World

  • Eric Topol, M.D.
  • Mike Cadogan, M.D.
  • Berci Mesko, M.D.
  • Pieter Kubben, M.D.
  • Peter Diamantis, M.D.
  • Cameron Powell, M.D.
  • Iltifat Husain, M.D.
  • Sumer Sethi, M.D.

What are the least stressful specialities in medicine?

Pathology. Pathology involves diagnosing diseases by doing laboratory analysis of tissues and bodily fluids like blood and urine.

  • Radiology. This specialty is similar to pathology in that it focuses on diagnoses and analyses.
  • Ophthalmology. Ophthalmology specializes in eye and vision care.
  • Psychiatry.
  • Dermatology.
  • Family Medicine.
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    Which is specialty makes the happiest doctors?

    According to the Medscape report, doctors in the following fields are happiest: Rheumatology: 60\% of those surveyed reported satisfaction with life away from work General surgery: 60\% Public health & preventive medicine: 59\% Allergy & Immunology: 59\% Orthopedics: 58\% Urology: 58\% Ophthalmology: 58\%

    Which medical specialty is best for You?

    The Top Medical Specialties with the Biggest Potential in the Future General practice. Many doctors choose this specialty today to make a long-term impact on someone’s life. Pediatrics. There’s a very limited window of time for assessing the status and health of a baby or the pregnant mother. Radiology. Ophthalmology. Sports medicine and rehabilitation. Oncology. Dermatology. Emergency Medicine. Gastroenterology. Epidemiology.

    Which doctors are the happiest?

    The Happiest Doctors. Medscape asked doctors to rate their happiness on a five-point scale, with 5 being as happy as can be. Rheumatologists — specialists in arthritis, joints, muscles, and bones — topped the list with an average self-reported happiness rating of 4.09.