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Which is better a gun or a sword?

Which is better a gun or a sword?

Looking at it objectively, most likely a gun. Swords are much more elegant and practical within its range, however they require much more training. Guns are less effective at close range, but at any range beyond the effective range of the sword, the gun immediately proves itself to be superior.

Do people still fight wars with swords?

Believe it or not, there are people (including but not at all limited to Kendo and HEMA) who hit each other with actual steel swords and other weapons as a sport. For actual combat purposes. OK, not so much swords as knives, but I have sold some to soldiers heading to Afghanistan and the like.

Is sword good for self defense?

Wakizashi and other short swords make good home defense weapons. A full length katana is too long for most homes. There’s not enough room and you’ll end up slashing doorways, plaster walls and ceilings.

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Is a sword legal for home defense?

Yes. A quality sword with a good temper which is properly sharpened is actually an excellent home defense weapon for a non-gun owner. Most “swords” are non-functional decorations that will not take an edge and will bend or break if actually used to hit something.

Can I learn to use a sword?

But it is still used in a variety of different ways. People learn sword fighting as a way to protect themselves, or for developing a new skill as a hobby. Sword fighting is also used in sports for entertainment purposes. Learning how to fight with a sword is definitely possible, even for a complete beginner.

Is it possible to cut a bullet?

Cutting a speeding bullet in half may be a trick shown in Rajnikanth movies but it can actually be done in real life by a real ninja. In a video shot with a special camera that records super slow movement, Isao Machii can be seen slicing a plastic bullet traveling at a speed of over 320 km/h in half.

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Do you have to be 18 to own a sword?

North America (USA and Canada) Legally Katana are lumped in the same category as knives and governed by state rather than federal laws, though as with knives, a collector must be over 18 years old OR have their parents implicit permission to buy or own a Katana.