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Which is better computer science or architecture?

Which is better computer science or architecture?

Computer Science. It’s the better option in every possible way. Architects are hired by none, whereas CS graduates are preferred by everyone for any job and I literally mean that. Currently, Even extremely mundane jobs in fields like HR are being offered to “candidates preferably from CS background”.

Is architecture easier than computer science?

B. Arch is a subject which is easier to get into but one must have creativity and sketching skills to come out as a good architect. It’s a five year course in India. Tech in CSE/ECE is a four year degree which needs analytical skills much more than anything.

Which field is best after 12th computer science?

Top 10 Courses for 12th Computer Science Students

  1. B. Tech (Computer Science Engineering)
  2. BCA. It is a three years degree academic degree program after 12th with computer science.
  3. Dual Degree BCA-MCA.
  4. BCA (Hons.)
  5. Dual Degree BCA (Hons.)
  6. B.
  7. B.
  8. Diploma in Computer Science and Engineering.
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Is architecture a good career choice?

Architects are generally highly respected in society, making architecture a good career option if you like to be seen as a respected person in society! Due to their creative nature and attention to detail, they are considered a combination of arts and intelligence!

Is computer science used in architecture?

Advanced computer technology has brought in a lot of improvements in different fields, but some disadvantages as well. The developments in the field of computer science have also an inevitable influence on architecture, therefore we have to deal with chances and problems of computer application in the building process.

What should I do after 12 in computer science?

Here are the top courses in Computer Science that you can pursue after completing the 12th:

  1. B.Tech in Computer Science.
  2. B. Tech in Information Technology.
  3. BCA (Bachelor of Computer Application)
  4. B.Sc. in Computer Science.
  5. B.Sc. (Other Science Streams)
  6. Other Notable Courses.
  7. Software Engineer.
  8. Cloud Computing Professional.