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Which is better NodeMCU or Arduino?

Which is better NodeMCU or Arduino?

Though Arduino has got 19 GPIO pins , when you want to work on IoT , you need internet . So you’ll have to connect an ESP8266(wifi shield) externally . Whereas NodeMCU has ESP8266 as its core along with 13 GPIO pins . So NodeMCU is best suited for IoT projects.

Can Arduino use UART?

All Arduino boards have at least one serial port (also known as a UART or USART), and some have several. On Uno, Nano, Mini, and Mega, pins 0 and 1 are used for communication with the computer. You can use the Arduino environment’s built-in serial monitor to communicate with an Arduino board.

Can I use I2C and SPI at the same time Arduino?

Both of them work fine; I can successfully send and receive data in both cases.

How does the NodeMCU communicate with the Arduino Uno?

The tx and Rx pin’s of the Nodemcu are connected with pin2 and pin3 of the Arduino. So the Nodemcu will communicate serially with Arduino Uno through pin2 and pin3. Pin2 is Rx and pin3 is tx, which will be defined in the programming using the software serial library.

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Which pin in NodeMCU is I2C?

NodeMCU has two UART interfaces, UART0 (RXD0 & TXD0) and UART1 (RXD1 & TXD1). UART1 is used to upload the firmware/program. NodeMCU has I2C functionality support but due to the internal functionality of these pins, you have to find which pin is I2C.

How to connect 2 relays to Arduino Uno or Mega?

Connect 2 relays with pin number13…and …pin number12 of the Arduino Uno or mega And connect the relay module ground with the ground of Arduino. For the step by step Blynk application designing watch Video tutorial. This is how the Blynk application looks like.

What is the difference between ESP and NodeMCU boards?

In common i always prefer ESP based boards when a battery is the power supply. The Variation between all boards regarding the digital I/O pins is nearly zero. The only difference is that the big boards like the NODEMCU ESP32 and the biggest board the Arduino MEGA R3 (54) has a lot of digital I/O pins.