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Which is correct make or makes?

Which is correct make or makes?

“Make” is correct. If you want a mnemonic rule, and a really stupid one that can get you into trouble, use the law of conservation of S’s: Here’s an example: The toy makes you happy.

Is it grammatically correct to make?

People with closed minds makes for terrible leaders is incorrect because the wrong form of ‘makes’ is used (it doesn’t agree in number with ‘people’); People with closed minds make for terrible leaders is fine.

When should I use makes?


  1. Use “make” for when you create or produce something.
  2. Use “do” for actions you must do, like jobs or work, and for general activities, especially activities you repeat often.
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Does not make noise?

‘Don’t make noise,’ means exactly that: Do not do anything to create noise. Other, perhaps more common, phrases are, ‘Don’t be noisy,’ or ‘Please be quiet. ‘ You might make this request to a group of rowdy children, or to someone having a too-loud conversation in a library or other ‘quiet’ place.

What does maked mean?

Filters. (nonstandard, colloquial) Simple past tense and past participle of make.

Do exercise or make?

In general, we use ‘make’ in situations where we are creating, producing or building something OR when we are planning. For example, we make plans, decisions, choices and appointments. We use ‘do’ in situations where there are tasks or jobs involved or when they meaning is obvious.

What is little noise?

Little Noises is a 1991 drama comedy film directed by Jane Spencer. The film stars Crispin Glover as an awkward and unsuccessful writer who achieves fame after stealing the poetry of a deaf man.

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WHY A is used before noise?

English permits the same word to represent both the concept of a thing (noise) and the realization of the thing (a noise). For noise, the difference is the word discrete: individual instances of sound are countable noises.

What does always make me cry mean?

‘always makes me cry’ is a statement of what he/she/it does to you. ‘always make me cry’ is the same statement but refers to plural things (they) do to you, or it can be a request to someone that this is what you want them to do (although why you would ask someone to make you cry I don’t know).

Is “always make me cry” correct grammar?

“Always make me cry” is correct if the subject is plural. E.g. “These songs always make me cry”. The first one is correct, if it’s a statement that describes past action, as in “The Sound of Music always makes me cry.” The second one is correct, if it’s a command, as in, “You must always make me cry, or I cannot cast you in the Sound of Music.”

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Which is correct “these songs always make me cry” or “you must”?

“These songs always make me cry”. The first one is correct, if it’s a statement that describes past action, as in “The Sound of Music always makes me cry.” The second one is correct, if it’s a command, as in, “You must always make me cry, or I cannot cast you in the Sound of Music.” , Been speaking English since I could speak.

Why do we cry more easily when others are hurting?

This is why we may cry more easily after hearing someone’s sad story or empathizing with a loved one’s pain. I believe this part of being an HSP is a true superpower. While it means we can cry more easily when others are hurting, it also makes us incredibly supportive partners, parents, and friends.