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Which is correct per our conversation or as per our conversation?

Which is correct per our conversation or as per our conversation?

It should be “as per our conversation”. This simply refers to a conversation that you had with another person. You are following up on what you discussed in the conversation. You could also say “Further to our conversation” or “This refers to our conversation” to make it simpler.

How do you reference an earlier conversation?

Referring to Previous Verbal Communication I refer to the conversation we had on Tuesday about….. Following our phone conversation this morning, I….. Further to our meeting last week, I….. Regarding the discussion we had on the phone last week, I….

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What does further to our discussion mean?

Further to is used in letters in expressions such as ‘further to your letter’ or ‘further to our conversation’, in order to indicate what you are referring to in the letter. [British, formal] Further to your letter, I agree that there are some problems, politically speaking. See full dictionary entry for further.

How do you write a discussion?

as we discussed vs as we had discussed. Both phrases are correct; “had discussed” is the past perfect of the verb “discuss,” while “discussed” is the past tense.

Which is correct per or as per?

According to Oxford dictionary, per is a preposition and means: for each and by means of. While as per is a phrase, which means in accordance with.

Is As discussed earlier?

In the phrase “as discussed,” “discussed” tells listeners that the conversation happened in the past. “Earlier” doesn’t give listeners new information, so it isn’t needed.

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What does further to our meeting mean?

Further to our meeting, (here is my number): Referring to our meeting, following our meeting (here is my number)

How do you use further in a sentence?

Further sentence example

  1. The assistant asked some further questions.
  2. Without further conversation, the Indians started down the gully.
  3. He offered no further information and she felt uncomfortable about asking.
  4. Miss Keller’s later education is easy to understand and needs no further explanation than she has given.

How do you write an introduction for a discussion essay?

Start the paragraph by introducing your opinion. This is where you need to have a topic sentence. The next sentence(s) should explain your opinion, going into detail. The third sentence should give an example that supports your opinion.