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Which is more important quality of product or of customer service?

Which is more important quality of product or of customer service?

Studies predict that by 2020, customer experience will become more important than not only price but also the product itself. This doesn’t mean that companies should stop concentrating on high-quality products. Customer experience is how your clients perceive their interactions with your company.

Why customer service is important than product?

The majority of consumers sight good customer service as a reason for sticking with a company. Beyond product satisfaction or value, customer satisfaction reigns supreme in today’s landscape. Your unique product or service may reel them in, but customer service keeps them.

Why quality product is important?

It builds trust with your customers. By contrast, when you gain the confidence and loyalty of consumers, you have more freedom to make decisions such as raising prices. Ensuring high-quality products and services is one way to help you get consumers to appreciate and believe in what you have to offer.

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Why is quality important in customer service?

A quality product creates unshakeable customer loyalty that generates increased leads. When customers find a product they trust, they return, make repeat purchases, and recommend the product or service to others. Creating quality products will continue to be the most important thing to customers.

What is the most important thing in customer service?

The Most Important Customer Service Skills

  • 1) Respect. The idea behind respect is that you treat others the way you would like to be treated.
  • 2) Patience. Customers with problems are going to want to talk.
  • 3) Self-Control.
  • 4) Concern.
  • 5) Attentiveness.
  • 6) Empathy.
  • 7) Flexibility.
  • 8) Communication Skills.

What is a quality product or service?

Products and Services that meet or exceed customer expectations result in customer satisfaction. Quality is the expected product/service being realized. However, quality is a function of how the customer views the product/service that he or she receives.

What is the most importance of service quality?

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