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Which is the best Stronghold Swtor?

Which is the best Stronghold Swtor?

SWTOR Best Strongholds [Ranked]

  1. Rishi.
  2. Nar Shaddaa.
  3. Yavin 4.
  4. Tatooine.
  5. Manaan.
  6. Coruscant.
  7. Dromund Kaas. Dark and Gloomy: A perfect setting for pensive Sith Lords or plotting Imperial Agents.
  8. Umbara. All Aboard!: Live a life on the run on the Umbara Mobile Base train house.

What is the cheapest stronghold in swtor?

Unlock Prices compared

Stronghold Purchase Price Cost for all expansions
Kaas City 5k or 50 CC 1.44 mil or 3500 CC
Coruscant 5k or 50 CC 1.44 mil or 3500 CC
Nar Shaddaa Free* 6.5 mil or 6825 CC
Tatooine 2.5 m or 2500 CC 7.0 mil or 7500 CC
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How much is Dromund Kaas stronghold?

Dromund Kaas strongholds are available to all Imperial characters. Republic characters of the same legacy must pay a 1000 credit fee to have a mercenary smuggle them inside….Kaas City Apartment.

Dromund Kaas Apartment
Guild Unlock Cost 50,000 credits
Maximum Rooms 9
Maximum Hooks 300

Can you have multiple strongholds Swtor?

Yes. You can have 5 strongholds, which can be one of each stronghold. If you’re a guild leader, you can also have a guild SH and a flagship.

How many strongholds are in swtor?

List of strongholds. There are nine strongholds available for purchase, two faction specific and seven on neutral planets.

Can you sell your stronghold Swtor?

You can have all five strongholds if you wish (DK, Coru, NS, Tat, Yavin), but you cannot sell one back. Bought is bought, you’ll just have to buy and unlock the other one.

How do you get your stronghold bonus in swtor?

The bonus is based upon how many strongholds you have completely unlocked; 25\% per fully unlocked stronghold (15\% for Umbara, IIRC) up to a maximum of 150\% (6 fully unlocked strongholds) with a prorated amount granted for partial unlocks.

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What happened Dromund Kaas?

In the Dromund Kaas operation, the Republic and the Jedi sent a fleet to attack Dromund Kaas while a Jedi landed on the planet and confronted the Emperor in the Dark Temple. The Jedi killed the Emperor’s Voice, forcing the Emperor into a state of hibernation while the galaxy believed him to be dead.

How many strongholds Can a guild have in swtor?

The limit of Guild Strongholds is currently 1 (not counting the flagship); please increase this limit to 3 or 4.

How much does the Alderaan stronghold cost?

List of strongholds

Stronghold Occupancy Cost ( / )
Alderaan Noble Estate 20 4,000,000 1,900
Coruscant Apartment 5 5,000 50
Kaas City Apartment 5 5,000 50
Manaan Retreat 10 2,500,000 2,500

How much is the Alderaan stronghold?

The initial unlock which includes the outdoor grounds, and the main section of the castle, costs 4 million credits, and unlocking the entire stronghold will cost about 18 million credit in total. Take a tour with me of the Alderaan stronghold and see a preview of every room and its hooks and unlock costs in SWTOR!