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Which is the last work of Raja Rao?

Which is the last work of Raja Rao?

Rao’s last novel, The Chessmaster and His Moves (1988), is peopled by characters from various cultures seeking their identities; it drew varying responses from reviewers.

What are the awards won by Raja Rao?

Neustadt International Prize for Literature
Padma VibhushanSahitya Akademi Award for English Writers
Raja Rao/Awards

What is the education of Raja Rao?

Aligarh Muslim University1929
Madrasa-i-Aliya1915–1925University of MadrasUniversité MontpellierSTS School (Minto Circle)
Raja Rao/Education

Who is the hero of Raja Raos Kanthapura?

Mahatma Gandhi is a hero that led the non-violent movement for Indian independence. He was jailed several times for his protests against British rule.

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Who was the guru of Raja Rao?

Sri Atmananda
It seemed to Rao that all his intellectual doubts and questions were finally dissolved when, in 1943, he met his guru, Sri Atmananda, in Trivandrum (now Thiruvananthapuram), in Kerala, where he lived for a while.

Where did Raja Rao died?

Austin, TX
Raja Rao/Place of death

Is Raja Rao an Indian writer?

Raja Rao (8 November 1908 – 8 July 2006) was an Indian writer of English-language novels and short stories, whose works are deeply rooted in metaphysics. For the entire body of his work, Rao was awarded the Neustadt International Prize for Literature in 1988.

Who is Bade Khan in Kanthapura?

A Muslim police officer who moves to the Skeffington Coffee Estate to keep an eye on Kanthapura after Moorthy hires the Harikatha-man Jayaramachar to talk about Mahatma Gandhi’s movement.

Where was Raja Rao born?

Hassan, India
Raja Rao/Place of birth

Who is Patel Range Gowda?

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Patel Range Gowda, the Tiger of the Village Range Gowda is the Patel of Kanthapura and as such a government servant. He, too, is a Gandhi man and a staunch supporter of Moorthy. He throws all his weight and authority in his favor and is of a considerable help to him in organizing the Congress work in Kanthapura.

Who is Bade Khan and discuss his role in the novel?

Who is Kenchamma?

Kanthapura’s patron goddess, Kenchamma supposedly battled a demon on the red Kenchamma Hill near town “ages, ages ago” and has protected Kanthapura’s people ever since. The villagers frequently pray to her for help, perform ceremonies to honor her, and thank her for their good fortune.