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Which kind of software is vulnerable to security threats open source or closed source?

Which kind of software is vulnerable to security threats open source or closed source?

The large number of diverse people who view the source code may find vulnerabilities before the software product is release. Therefore, open source software has the potential to be more secure than closed source software.

What is open source software vulnerabilities?

Vulnerabilities are Public Knowledge Vulnerabilities in open-source software are made public knowledge by contributors themselves, as well as by organizations like the Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) and the National Vulnerability Database (NVD).

Is open source software good for security?

Popular open source projects are less likely than commercial closed source software to include bugs and security vulnerabilities. Popular open software projects are likely to fix bugs and vulnerabilities and release the fixes faster than commercial software.

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Why is open source not secure?

Daemonpenguin: ”Open source is not automatically more secure than closed source. The difference is with open source code you can verify for yourself (or pay someone to verify for you) whether the code is secure. Open source also allows anyone to fix broken code, while closed source can only be fixed by the vendor.

What are the ethical issues in open source software?

“Some of the ethical considerations one needs to take when using open-source code are checking for bias or exclusion, accuracy, crediting your collaborators and sharing code or finished projects in return,” he said.

Are open source software easier to hack?

Open source is generally easier to hack than closed source projects. A large open source project has the resources to run security testing and proper code reviews. Smaller projects don’t have such resources and may unknowingly accept malicious contributions or leverage vulnerable libraries.

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What are May weaknesses or vulnerabilities?

A vulnerability is a weakness that can be exploited by an attacker. Thus, a weakness is an error, typically in the software code, that might lead to a vulnerability. This happens when it can be exploited. Software weaknesses are often discussed and defined in the context of the Common Weaknesses Enumeration (CWE).