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Which Marvel heroes are married?

Which Marvel heroes are married?

Restrictions Apply.

  • The Thing & Alicia Masters. in Fantastic Four (2018) #5.
  • Hulkling & Wiccan. in Empyre (2020) #4.
  • Invisible Woman & Mister Fantastic. in Fantastic Four Annual (1963) #3.
  • Storm & Black Panther.
  • Wasp & Yellowjacket (er…
  • Jean Grey & Cyclops.
  • Mary Jane Watson & Spider-Man.
  • Medusa & Black Bolt.

Do any of the Marvel characters have kids?

Reed Richards and Susan Storm have arguably one of the most lasting relationships in Marvel Comics history. They have a son, Franklin, who received powers from the same cosmic radiation that affected his parents and essentially created The Fantastic Four.

Are there any married superheroes?

This is the original gold standard for superhero marriages. Reed and Sue Richards are the first couple of Marvel Comics and have stood the test of time better than any other pairing there or anywhere else in superhero comics. These nuptials celebrated all of Marvel Comics and still feel special today.

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Which DC superheroes are married?

Ranking The 10 Most Important Weddings In DC Comics

  • 3 Lightning Lad And Saturn Girl.
  • 4 Earth-2 Batman And Catwoman.
  • 5 Earth-2 Wonder Woman And Steve Trevor.
  • 6 Apollo And Midnighter.
  • 7 Donna Troy And Terry Long.
  • 8 Flash And Iris West.
  • 9 Mister Miracle And Big Barda.
  • 10 Adam Strange And Allana.

Who does Jean GREY marry?

Cyclops is Jean’s main love interest throughout the X-Men franchise. He and Jean have known each other since the X-Men’s early years. The two are very close. They eventually got married, only for Jean to be killed by Xorn.

Do any superheroes have babies?

It’s rare but occasionally superheroes have been known to father and mother children. It’s even well established that Superman marries Lois Lane and they have a child together. Thanks to Logan, people even know that Wolverine is a father. These kids have become fixtures of their respective superhero stories.

Which superheroes are parents?

10 Marvel Superheroes You Didn’t Know Were Parents

  1. 1 Professor X. Charles Xavier aka Professor X not only established the school for young mutants but is also one of the most powerful X-Men and mutants in general.
  2. 2 Black Bolt.
  3. 3 Wolverine.
  4. 4 Quicksilver.
  5. 5 Deadpool.
  6. 6 Doctor Strange.
  7. 7 Spider-Man.
  8. 8 Hulk.
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Which superhero has a wife?

He joins Hawkeye, Batman, Storm and more in the ranks of married heroes! There are some comic book couples that everybody knows: Superman and Lois Lane. Peter Parker and Mary Jane. Jean Grey and Cyclops, Reed Richards and Sue Storm, Green Arrow and Black Canary, Luke Cage and Jessica Jones.

Which superhero has a spouse?