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Which of the 5 Great Lakes has the most shipwrecks?

Which of the 5 Great Lakes has the most shipwrecks?

The Great Lakes hold the secrets of about 8,000 shipwrecks. Lake Erie covers 2,000 of them, among the highest concentration of wrecks in the world.

Which Great Lake has the most deaths?

Lake Michigan is being called the “deadliest” of all the Great Lakes.

How many shipwrecks are at the bottom of the Great Lakes?

25,000 shipwrecks
According to the Great Lakes Shipwreck Museum, the lakes have caused the sinking of around 6,000 ships and the death of 30,000 people. However, historian Mark Thompson, the author of Graveyard of the Lakes, has estimated that there are over 25,000 shipwrecks at the bottom of the Great Lakes.

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How many ships have sunk in Lake Huron?

12 ships were lost completely and an estimated 31 were driven ashore by wind and waves. The most losses occurred in Lake Huron where 8 ships sank and 200 sailors died. Listing of missing Great Lakes ships with valued cargo as of 1961.

What was the last ship to sink on the Great Lakes?

the Edmund Fitzgerald
The most recent maritime tragedy was 44 years ago when the Edmund Fitzgerald found itself caught in a storm, ultimately sinking in Lake Superior on November 10, 1975, and killing the entire crew of 29.

What is the most famous shipwreck in Lake Erie?

The Edmund Fitzgerald is one of history’s most famous shipwrecks, but thousands of other lost ships have been lost off the shores of the Great Lakes. Now a group called the Cleveland Underwater Explorers (called CLUE) has located three more shipwrecks, with the help of a local museum.

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What ship went down in Lake Michigan?

Shortly after 7:10 p.m., Edmund Fitzgerald suddenly sank in Canadian (Ontario) waters 530 feet (88 fathoms; 160 m) deep, about 17 miles (15 nautical miles; 27 kilometers) from Whitefish Bay near the twin cities of Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan, and Sault Ste….SS Edmund Fitzgerald.

United States
Capacity 25,400 tons of cargo
Crew 29