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Which PCIe slot is best?

Which PCIe slot is best?

It is best to slot it into the 16x PCIE slot, on a modern day motherboard, this is generally the first or second pcie slot from the CPU socket. You could place the GPU on other slots as well but not all the pcie slots are at 16x unless you have a really special one (which usually costs an arm and a leg).

Which PCIe is the fastest?

If you want the absolute fastest drives available, then PCIe 4.0 SSDs are the way to go. They’re quicker than any PCIe 3.0 drive and will make large file transfers for such things as video editing lightning fast. They will also be prepared for the future of gaming in Windows 11.

What is the latest version of PCI Express?

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PCIe 5.0
The official PCIe 5.0 standard came out in May 2019. It will bring 128 GBps of throughput. The specification is backwards compatible with previous PCIe generations and also includes new features, including electrical changes to improve signal integrity and backward-compatible CEM connectors for add-in cards.

How fast is PCI Express 3?

Data Rate: PCIe 3.0 = 1000MB/s, PCIe 2.0 = 500MB/s, PCIe 1.1 = 250MB/s.

Which slot should I put my ram in?

In a motherboard with two RAM slots, you’ll just put your first stick of RAM into Slot 1 and a second stick into Slot 2. If you just have one stick, you don’t have to fill Slot 2. In the case of a motherboard with four RAM slots, it’s probable you’ll want to install your first RAM stick into the slot labeled 1.

What are the different versions of PCI Express?

There are four versions of PCI Express in use today: PCI Express 1.0, PCI Express 2.0, PCI Express 3.0, and PCI Express 4.0. Each PCIe version supports roughly double the bandwidth of the previous PCIe.

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Is SATA SSD fast enough?

That said, SATA SSDs are more than fast enough for casual home users—to help illustrate how fast it is, a SATA SSD can transfer an entire CD’s worth of data every second—so don’t let this be a deal-breaker. SATA SSDs tend to be cheaper. This is probably the most important point for most home users.

Which RAM slots are faster?

If the manual recommends DIMM slots 1 and 2, those will provide dual channel speed. If you have them in 1 and 3, you are losing some performance by only being in single channel speed. If you add another pair of matched RAM sticks, they should go in 1 and 4. The manual has it in slots 2 and 4, not 1 and 2.
