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Which PDF viewer is best for Mac?

Which PDF viewer is best for Mac?

Part 1: Top 5 Best PDF Reader for Mac

  1. PDFelement Pro – The Best Alternative Free PDF Reader Pro for Mac to Adobe Acrobat.
  2. Skim – A Popular and Well-developed MacBook PDF reader.
  3. Adobe Reader for Mac – A Widely Used Free Mac os PDF reader.
  4. Haihaisoft Reader for Mac – A Small Size Free PDF Reader for macOS.

What is the built in PDF reader for Mac?

Safari has a built-in PDF reader that automatically displays PDF documents right in the browser window. You don’t have to download and install a separate PDF reader app. In the Safari app on your Mac, click the link to a PDF.

Is Adobe Reader necessary for Mac?

macOS, Linux, iOS, and Android Other operating systems don’t require Adobe Acrobat Reader, either. macOS users have Preview, while Linux distributions come bundled with Okular or Evince, depending on the environment. Android has a built-in PDF viewer, as does iOS.

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How do I change my preferred PDF viewer on Mac?

How to set the default PDF reader on Mac:

  1. Locate any PDF file on your Mac and right-click on it.
  2. Choose Get Info.
  3. Under Open with, click on the drop-down menu and pick the desired PDF editor.
  4. To set this app as the default for all your PDFs, click Change All.

Is there a Mac version of Adobe Acrobat?

You need macOS version 10.13 or later to run Acrobat Reader DC. If your operating system is older, you can install an earlier version of Reader. For step-by-step instructions, see Install an older version of Adobe Reader on Mac OS.

Is there Adobe Acrobat for Mac?

Is Adobe Acrobat Reader free for Mac?

Yes. Adobe Reader is a free application.

Is Adobe Reader being discontinued?

Adobe has announced the end of support for Adobe Acrobat and Reader 2015. On April 7, 2020, support will finish for these versions of the PDF reader and creation software, keeping in line with the tech giant’s position to withdraw support after a maximum of five years of general availability.