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Which pronunciation is used in Canada?

Which pronunciation is used in Canada?

Canadians do something called ‘Canadian Raising’, meaning that they pronounce some two-part vowels (known as dipthongs) with a higher part of their mouths than people from other English-speaking regions – this is what causes the ‘ou’ sounds in words like ‘out’ and ‘about’ to be pronounced something like ‘oot’ and ‘ …

Do Canadians pronounce T as D?

For example, the words “city,” “pattern” or “later.” In Canada, we tend to pronounce this /T/ very softly and almost as a /D/. So for example, the words “latter” and “ladder” can sound pretty much the same here.

Do Canadians pronounce sorry differently?

‘ Here is where things get complicated. In many American accents, ‘horrible,’ ‘Florida’ and ‘corridor’ are pronounced with the vowel in ‘flaw. ‘ But ‘sorry,’ ‘borrow’ and ‘tomorrow’ have the same vowel in ‘lot,’ as in British accents. In Canada, meanwhile, all such /or/ words have the ‘aw’ vowel, including ‘sorry.

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How do Canadians say battery?

In Maritimer English pre-consonantal [ɹ] sounds are sometimes removed. The flapping of intervocalic /t/ and /d/ to alveolar tap [ɾ] between vowels, as well as pronouncing it as a glottal stop [ʔ], is less common in the Maritimes. So, battery is pronounced as [bætɹi] instead of with a glottal stop.

How do you spell yogurt in Canada?

The spelling yogourt is common on product labels in Canada because it is valid in both English and French, as products are required to be labelled in both languages. Yogurt remains by far the most common spelling in other contexts, however.

How do Canadians say the last letter of the alphabet?

One of the more lovable quirks, Canadians pronounce the last letter in the alphabet ‘zed’, which is clearly superior to the American ‘zee’.

Are Canadians supposed to sound like they are?

But everyone knows what Canadians are supposed to sound like: they are a people who pronounce “about” as “aboot” and add “eh” to the ends of sentences Unfortunately, that’s wrong. Like, linguistically incorrect.

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What do Canadians say when they say aboot?

Canadians do not say “aboot.” What they do say is actually much weirder. Canadian English, despite the gigantic size of the country, is nowhere near as diverse as American English; think of the vast differences between the accents of a Los Angeleno, a Bostonian, a Chicagoan, a Houstonian, and a New Yorker.

Why do Americans pronounce Canadian and American words so differently?

On the other hand, communities close to the US border and those with large populations have tons of different influences on language. Canadians and Americans may pronounce these words differently Americans living in the north often pronounce words like Canadians (after all, that border is mostly an invisible one).

What are some popular swear words in Canada?

Other popular swear words include os-tee (the communion wafer) and ka-lees (the cup from which you drink the holy wine). For extra punch, try combining the words into super swears: os-ti tah-bar-nac or ka-lees tah-bar-nac. Here’s what one Maritimer wishes he’d known before moving to Montreal. 8 / 8