Popular lifehacks

Which side of plane to sit on to Sydney?

Which side of plane to sit on to Sydney?

Many readers have asked me where to sit when flying into Sydney. My advice is to sit on the left side of the plane (i.e. row ‘A’) if you’re flying into or out of Sydney. Planes flying into Sydney often approach from the north – you’ll get an amazing panorama of the harbour and the city before touch-down.

Has a plane flown under the Sydney Harbour bridge?

During a 1943 tour of Sydney, Lancaster ED930 (A66-1) “Q” for Queenie VI, piloted by Flt. Peter Isaacson, “beat up” the city of Sydney and flew under the Sydney Harbour Bridge, on 22 October 1943 to raise funds for the War Loan. The media claimed “He did it for the £iberty £oan!”

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Where is the best place to view the Sydney Opera House?

  • Pylon Lookout or The Harbour Bridge. The Pylon Lookout is a museum and amazing lookout point that is part of the Harbour Bridge.
  • Luna Park.
  • Kirribilli.
  • A Harbour Boat Tour.
  • Mrs Macquarie’s Chair @ The Botanical Gardens.
  • The Mare and Foal Lawn @ The Botanical Gardens.
  • The Sydney Opera House Steps.
  • The Opera Bar (and walkway)

Do any flights go over Antarctica?

Few airlines fly between cities having a great circle route over Antarctica. Hypothetically, flights between South Africa and New Zealand, or between Perth, Australia, and certain destinations in South America (including Buenos Aires and São Paulo), would overfly Antarctica, but no airline has scheduled such flights.

Who flew under the Sydney Harbour bridge?

Peter Isaacson

Description Avro Lancaster bomber Q for Queenie, piloted by Flight Lieutenant Peter Isaacson, DFC, AFC, DFM, flies under the Sydney Harbour Bridge on 22 October 1943.
Source Air Power Development Centre
Date 1943-10-22
Author Not stated
Permission (Reusing this file) Copyright expired in Australia under the pre-1955 rule
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Who flew under the Harbour bridge?

Peter Stuart Isaacson
Peter Isaacson

Peter Stuart Isaacson
Unit RAF Bomber Command
Battles/wars World War II
Awards Member of the Order of Australia Distinguished Flying Cross Air Force Cross Distinguished Flying Medal
Other work Publisher

Can you take pictures of the Sydney Opera House?

Can I take pictures or film footage of Sydney Opera House [SOH]? Yes. SOH encourages visitors to the precinct to photograph or film their experience for personal use. We ask only that you get our permission before your image is used by you or anyone else for commercial or promotional use.

Where can I take pictures of the Sydney Opera House?

  • Milsons point/Kirribilli. A great opportunity to get the entire skyline in one shot, the stretch of of walkway from Luna park all the way down to Kirribilli is probably the most classic perspective of the Sydney Opera House.
  • The Sydney Harbour Bridge.
  • Cremorne point.
  • Mrs Macquarie’s chair.
  • Hickson Road Reserve.
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Why can’t the Sydney Opera House be filmed?

Our guide said that at times visitors may not be able to take pictures inside the (concert/opera etc) halls themselves as set designs are copyrighted. He also asked that we not photograph any member of staff for privacy reasons.

Can you film the Harbour bridge?

Yes. SOH encourages visitors to the precinct to photograph or film their experience for personal use. Any photo or film that you take will be your own property.
