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Which Star Registry is legitimate?

Which Star Registry is legitimate?

the International Astronomical Union
There’s only one internationally recognized organization that can name stars. It’s called the International Astronomical Union.

Is buying a star a good gift?

Not to put a damper on your holiday cheer, but you can’t really buy stars. Let’s be clear: registering or purchasing a star is nothing more than a novelty gift. It isn’t real. Commercial so-called star-naming registries have no formal or official validity, says the IAU.

Is naming a star a real thing?

“The International Astronomical Union (IAU – http://www.iau.org) is the only body that can officially name a star. And the IAU uses only one internationally recognized system to identify the stars in the sky – either by using preexisting names or by using their precise numerical coordinates.

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Is buying someone a star romantic?

to buy a star When you buy a star for someone, you’re giving them a very intimate and long-lived gift. It’s a gift that they’ll be able to share with their children’s children, and it can come from feelings of love, friendship, affection, or even grief.

Is it possible to buy stars for yourself?

When you talk about “buying stars” or “naming stars” for yourself or a friend, you are most likely referring to the claims of one of the commercial companies who promise to do this for you for money (something of the order of $US 50). You can do this, but it is not official.

Is ISR’s star-naming business legit?

Yet a significant number of people believe that the naming of a star is an official activity. Is ISR’s star-naming business therefore a scam? No, not legally. The company promises to send you a piece of parchment, a booklet and a star map — and it delivers. It also promises to copyright your star’s new name and location in a book — and it does.

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Will my name be assigned to the Star I buy?

It is true that the name you choose will be assigned to a star, but it will not be recognized by most of the world. In fact, the only way you will be able to tell that you bought a star is by the certificate that you will be provided with.

Are companies selling Star Names ripping off the scientific community?

This may become the standard name known to the scientific community if it is famous enough – however the object will still have it’s official designation. So are these company’s selling star names ripping us off? Absolutely not, they are not “selling star names”.