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Who created the trireme?

Who created the trireme?

According to the Ancient Greek historian, Thucydides, it was the Corinthians who first developed the trireme, possibly as early as the 7th century BC. (1.12. 4 – 13.2) They in turn based their design on ships first made by the Phoenicians, a people living on the coast of what is now Lebanon.

What ancient Civilisations are known to have used the trireme?

A trireme (/ˈtraɪriːm/, TRY-reem; derived from Latin: trirēmis “with three banks of oars”; ‘triērēs, literally “three-rower”) was an ancient vessel and a type of galley that was used by the ancient maritime civilizations of the Mediterranean Sea, especially the Phoenicians, ancient Greeks and Romans.

What are two ways triremes were so valuable to the ancient Greeks?

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One of the most advanced warships of its time, the Greek trireme dominated the coastline of the Mediterranean. Its light weight and three levels of oars manned by 170 rowers allowed for speed and maneuverability that won the naval Battle of Salamis during the Persian War.

When was the Bireme invented?

A bireme (/ˈbaɪriːm/, BY-reem) is an ancient oared warship (galley) with two superimposed rows of oars on each side. Biremes were long vessels built for military purposes and could achieve relatively high speed. They were invented well before the 6th century BC and were used by the Phoenicians, Assyrians, and Greeks.

What were Triremes used for?

A Trireme is an ancient oar-driven warship powered by about 170 oarsmen. It was long and slender, had three tiers of oars and one sail. On the bow was a battering ram that was used to destroy enemy ships. The tip of the ram was made of bronze and could easily slice through the side of a wooden ship.

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How were triremes built?

To build the triremes used wooden pegs and dowels to hold the planks together, loosely at first. when a ship was first launched the wood would absorb enough water to expand the hull and make it watertight. The trireme was developed by the Greeks and Phoenicians around the 8th century BCE.

What is the difference between bireme and trireme?

As nouns the difference between bireme and trireme is that bireme is (history|nautical) an ancient galley having two banks of oars, one above the other while trireme is (history|nautical|archaic) a galley with three banks of oars, one above the other, used mainly as a warship.