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Who defeated the French Navy?

Who defeated the French Navy?

At sea, Lord Nelson and the Royal Navy consistently thwarted Napoleon Bonaparte, who led France to preeminence on the European mainland. Nelson’s last and greatest victory against the French was the Battle of Trafalgar, which began after Nelson caught sight of a Franco-Spanish force of 33 ships.

Who was better Nelson or Napoleon?

Bonaparte’s ultimate defeat did come from Nelson. He may have seen more defeats than the British admiral, but he also saw more successes on the battlefield than any other general or admiral in his lifetime. Napoleon Bonaparte remains today one of the greatest military leaders in history.

What was the Napoleonic War who was the greatest enemy of France?

French Revolution Study Guide

Question Answer
10. How long did the French Revolution last? 10 years
11. Who was the military leader who ruled France like a dictator? Napoleon
12. Throughout the Napoleonic wars, which country was France’s biggest enemy? England
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Has France ever won a naval battle?

Before the Nine Years’ War, in the Franco-Dutch War, the French Navy managed to score a decisive victory over a combined Spanish-Dutch fleet at the Battle of Palermo (1676). During the War of the Grand Alliance, Admiral Tourville won a significant victory in the Battle of Beachy Head (1690, Bataille de Bévezier).

When did the British defeat the French navy?

Battle of Trafalgar
The Battle of Trafalgar, 21 October 1805 by Clarkson Frederick Stanfield
Date 21 October 1805 Location Off Cape Trafalgar, Atlantic Ocean36.293°N 6.255°W Result British victory
France Spain United Kingdom

Where is battle of Waterloo?

Mont-Saint-JeanUnited Kingdom of the Netherlands
Battle of Waterloo/Locations

What were Napoleon’s two biggest mistakes Why?

Napoleon made three costly mistakes that led to his downfall. The first mistake was The Continental system. The second mistake was The Peninsular War. The third mistake was The Invasion of Russia.

Who was Napoleon’s biggest rival and why?

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Personal rivalry Although Napoleon and Nelson were formidable rivals they had a begrudging respect for each other’s ambition. This feeling was intensified after the Battle of the Nile in 1798 when Nelson got his hands on some of Napoleon’s personal correspondence, which indicated his ambitions to rule France.

Who was France’s main enemy?

France’s traditional enemies, Great Britain and Austria, had coalesced just as they had done against Louis XIV. Prussia, the leading anti-Austrian state in Germany, had been supported by France.