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Who do you play as in Dragon Age?

Who do you play as in Dragon Age?

The Warden
The Warden, later known as the Hero of Ferelden, is the player-controlled protagonist of Dragon Age: Origins. This character will start with one of six origin stories the player can choose from when creating the character.

Is Dorian in Dragon Age 4?

In the quest, Dorian’s dad attempts to reconcile, and based on player choice, the conversation may never actually get that far. But regardless of what happens between father and son, Dorian is still reckoning with the trauma of everything his father and the expectations of Tevinter put on him.

What’s the newest Dragon Age?

All three main series games have been joined by a variety of expansions and downloadable content (DLC) add-ons. A fourth installment is currently under development….

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Dragon Age
First release Dragon Age: Origins November 3, 2009
Latest release Dragon Age: Inquisition November 18, 2014

Is the warden alive in Dragon Age Inquisition?

In my playthrough, both alistair and warden were alive at the end of the game. Alistair became king and warden survied the battle with archdemon. However in dragon age keep one of them has to die killing archdemon.

Is there a Dragon Age 4?

There is currently no Dragon Age 4 release date. Although Dragon Age 4 has reportedly been in development since 2015, according to a report by Kotaku, the team were repeatedly pulled away to work on BioWare’s other games, namely Mass Effect: Andromeda and Anthem – as a result, the original Dragon Age 4 was shut down.

How do you get Alistair to marry you?

Alistair can be hardened by choices made during Alistair’s Family. The Warden can attempt to arrange a political marriage between Alistair and Anora at Arl Eamon’s Estate after her rescue. A male human noble Warden may attempt to offer to marry Anora, also at the estate.

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What happens if you kiss Morrigan?

If her approval gets too low, there is a chance she will leave the party. If that happens, you can kiss a Morrigan romance goodbye. Though she does return at the end of the game to offer the ritual to prevent a grey warden sacrifice, it is still to late get a Morrigan romance.