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Who first used gradation word?

Who first used gradation word?

The term gradation was first coined by “Letin Gradationem.

Who is the spokesman of gradation concept?

The spokesman of gradation concept is Gilbart.

What is called gradation?

noun. any process or change taking place through a series of stages, by degrees, or in a gradual manner. a stage, degree, or grade in such a series. the passing of one tint or shade of color to another, or one surface to another, by very small degrees, as in painting or sculpture.

How do you use gradation in a sentence?

Gradation in a Sentence 🔉

  1. Although ravens, crows, and blackbirds all come from the same family, they have a gradation in color and wing span.
  2. New cars usually have minimal gradation in style and technology from the previous year.
  3. Puberty is a gradation from youth to adulthood that lasts anywhere from two to five years.
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What is gradation and examples?

gradation Add to list Share. Anything with a bunch of levels or stages can be considered a gradation. In high school, the process of moving from freshman to senior year could be called a gradation, or your position in the series of steps that lead toward graduation.

Is Gradiated a word?

1. To cause to pass imperceptibly from one degree, shade, or tone to another: gradated the light in the painting’s background. 2. To arrange in or according to grades.

What are the agents of gradation explain each?

The process of erosion, transportation and deposition of rock material is known as gradation. Four agents of gradation are rivers, winds, sea water and glaciers.

What is English literature gradation?

a stylistic device; a series of similar words or expressions (images, similes, metaphors, and so on) that gradually emphasize and increase or, on the other hand, decrease (climax and anticlimax, respectively) the sense or emotional significance.


Which are the agents of gradation?

What is gradation give example?

The definition of a gradation is a process of arranging in a series of stages or one step in the process. An example of gradation is the movement through the various grades of school. An example of gradation is the 5th grade in the grand scheme of schooling. noun.

How do you spell Gradiated?

We think the word gradiated is a misspelling….Correct spelling for GRADIATED

  1. gradate Gradate -vim: one grade or step at a time: to arrange in a series: to blend so as to merge one into the other – e. g. colors.
  2. graduate She obtained her master’s degree from Wellesley in 1903.