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Who gives court Judgements?

Who gives court Judgements?

the Judge
1. A judgment is the statement given by the Judge, on the grounds of a decree or order. It is the end product of the proceedings in the Court. The writing of a judgment is one of the most important and time consuming task performed by a Judge.

How can I get a copy of my court judgement online Quora?

There is no online repository of it, in order to get any judgement you need to file an RTI to the PIO of defined court and provide all information about that case, case nr, petitioner, respondent etc.

Can we comment on court judgement?

According to Section 5 of the Act, “fair criticism” or “fair comment” on the merits of a final decision does not constitute contempt. The judgement of what is “fair” is, however, left to the judges’ opinion.

What is Casemine com?

Casemine is recognized globally as an industry leader for its contributions towards advances in the use of artificial intelligence technology in legal research.

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Are court records public in India?

Court judgments are public records. The decisions of the Supreme Court are the law of the land, and all citizens can read their decisions.

How can I get a copy of my Supreme Court Judgement in India?

Using the portal link of the e-Copying module, the Advocate-On-Record, Parties to cases, and persons authorized under Rules for obtaining certified / unauthenticated copies of case under the Rules may apply for or give requisition for the certified or digitized copy of the Supreme Court cases, as may be admissible …

Is fair comment a good Defence for contempt of court?

A comment which can be justified as truth, fair and bona fide is protected and is a valid defence against contempt. The comment should also not interfere with the administration of justice and should be made upon the individual capacity of the judge and not upon his/her judicial capacity.

How do you remove CaseMine?

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Yes. A document can be removed by clicking the trash icon available in front of the document under the documents tab.

How do you use CaseMine?

CaseMine makes it convenient to create topical alerts for a specific legal proposition. To create an alert for your search query, select the Alerts tab and click on the ‘+ New Alert’ button to get a pop-up window (as shown on the right). You can then customize the frequency and schedule as per your convenience.