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Who has more power SDM or IAS?

Who has more power SDM or IAS?

DM stands for District Magistrate which is also known as District collector. A DM is an officer rank in the Indian Administrative Service (IAS). Some of the tasks are writing service reports to SP and other district-level officers and report to higher officials. A DM has greater powers than SDM.

What is difference between PCS SDM and IAS SDM?

An IAS officer may start his career from SDM [Independent office] and can reach up to Secretary to the Government of India. A PCS officer’s promotion process is slower than the IAS officers they work with. A State service person could take as much as 15-17 years to reach a post equivalent to the IAS.

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What is the difference between an SDM and an IAS officer?

IAS is a cadre while SDM is the junior most post where IAS starts his career. If you see a young SDM, he/she is likely an IAS officer but if SDM is middle aged, he may be a PCS officer. 8 clever moves when you have $1,000 in the bank.

How many people apply for the UPSC every year?

The data suggest that the UPSC has received around 10 lakh applications, on average, in the last three years for the Civil Services/IAS Exam alone. If we take the number of applicants to the State PCS exams into account, the count will definitely be in crores! Both IAS and PCS posts are considered the most coveted services of the country.

What is the difference between IAS officer and PCS officer?

An IAS Officer is a person appointed by the President of India for the state and a PCS Officer is appointed by the Governor for the state services. Check here more differences between IAS Officer…

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What is the role of SDM?

SDM is authorized by the Collector magistrate, tax inspector, and all tehsils or subdivisions will be under the control of the Subdivisional Magistrate. SDM has complete control over his subdivision’s Tahsildars and represents a link of connection among both his subdivision’s District Officer and Tahsildars.