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Who has the most character development in Harry Potter?

Who has the most character development in Harry Potter?

The character who undergoes the most change throughout the series is the character who was so close to being the chosen one, Neville Longbottom. In terms of his traits, his looks, his personality, Neville undergoes significant changes through the films.

Who is the most famous character in Harry Potter?

The 25 Best Harry Potter Characters

  • 8 Sirius Black.
  • 7 Voldemort.
  • 6 Neville Longbottom.
  • 5 Albus Dumbledore.
  • 4 Severus Snape.
  • 3 Ron Weasley.
  • 2 Hermione Granger.
  • 1 Harry Potter. Perhaps it’s a given that Harry Potter himself tops our list, but it’s important to still reflect on why the character has been so universally accepted.

Why was Lavender Brown recast?

Many fans speculate as to why Lavender Brown’s actress was changed for Half Blood Prince, but the reasoning is quite simple. The filmmakers had no way of knowing she would play such a role when they assigned her name to the background actresses from previous films, which is why her actress changed in the sixth film.

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Who is the weakest Harry Potter character?

As the youngest of the family, Ginny Weasley is probably the weakest, but that doesn’t mean she can’t hold her own in battle. Ginny has proven capable against Death Eaters in both The Order of the Phoenix and The Deathly Hallows, even going up against Bellatrix Lestrange.

Who is the girl that likes Ron Weasley?

Lavender Brown
Lavender Brown is Ron Weasley’s love interest in “The Half-Blood Prince.” Warner Bros. Cave featured most prominently as Lavender in “The Half-Blood Prince,” where her character becomes infatuated with Rupert Grint’s Ron Weasley and engages in a very pubic, PDA-filled relationship.

How does the main character change?

A Change Main Character grows by adding a characteristic he lacks (Start) or by dropping a characteristic he already has (Stop). Either way, his make up is changed in nature. A Steadfast Main Character’s make up, in contrast, does not change in nature. He grows in his resolve to remain unchanged.