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Who helped Alison fake her death?

Who helped Alison fake her death?

It was revealed in Season 7 however that Noel Kahn had been the one that push the girl down the stairs and that Alison used the information to Blackmail him into help her.

Why did Charlotte kill Alison?

Basically she had two reasons, the first being that they were happy Alison was gone and the second being that she was addicted to the game(like she said “it felt really good to be good at something”).

Why did Melissa kill Alison?

Spencer and Mona discover a note from “A” and suspect that Melissa killed Alison because she was jealous of her relationship with Ian. Mona, Spencer and their friends decide to turn Melissa in, but eventually Mona is revealed to be “A” and the girls stop suspecting Melissa.

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What season does Alison come back pretty little liars?

| Freeform. Alison is alive!

Who hit Alison with a rock?

Charlotte DiLaurentis
Later that night, Alison was hit in the back of the head with a rock by Charlotte DiLaurentis and buried alive underneath the gazebo construction site by Jessica DiLaurentis who was under the impression she was dead and was protecting Charlotte. Alison was pulled out of her grave by Carla Grunwald, however.

Who was torturing Alison in Pretty Little Liars?

Mona Vanderwaal
Original A was the first “A” and revealed to be Mona Vanderwaal. Mona began torturing Alison by sending her gifts, threats and soon attacking her while wearing a zombie costume. “A” continued to mess with Ali and her mother Jessica DiLaurentis, whom she believed it to be Spencer Hastings.

Did CeCe know Ali was alive?

During the season finale “‘A’ Is for Answers”, CeCe is detained by Detective Gabriel Holbrook and questioned about Wilden’s homicide. She confesses to knowing who murdered Bethany Young (the girl buried in Alison’s grave) and that Alison is still alive.

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Who was the dead body in pretty little liars?

Bethany Young is a major posthumous antagonist in the television series “Pretty Little Liars”. Bethany was a patient at Radley Sanitarium and is revealed as both the girl buried in Alison’s grave and the murderer of Marion Cavanaugh.

Who hit Alison with A rock?

Is Mr Fitz really A?

We repeat: Ezra is not “A”— nor has he ever been a member of the A-Team. Instead, Aria discovered (while stuck on a chairlift!) that her dearly-beloved beau has been spying on our foursome since the very beginning of the series. Ezra was gathering information for a tell-all book about Alison DiLaurentis’ disappearance.

Who shot Ezra in PLL?

After The Liars reunited with Alison in New York City, Shana followed them and tried to shoot them with a gun, but Ezra appeared and was shot instead. Shana tried to finish the job at the Fitzgerald Theatre, but Aria surprises her and hits her with a shotgun.