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Who is Father of God particle?

Who is Father of God particle?

Satyendra Nath Bose
Satyendra Nath Bose, the Father of the God Particle is widely known for his work on the Boson, a class of particle named after him.

How small is a God particle?

Universe doomsday The Higgs boson is about 126 billion electron volts, or about the 126 times the mass of a proton.

What is the speed of God particle?

The Oh-My-God particle detected over Utah in 1991 was probably a proton traveling at 0.999 (and add another 20 x 9s after that) of the speed of light and it allegedly carried the same kinetic energy as a baseball traveling at 90 kilometers an hour.

What is the God particle made of?

Science Made Simple: What is the Higgs Boson (God Particle)? The Higgs boson is the fundamental particle associated with the Higgs field, a field that gives mass to other fundamental particles such as electrons and quarks.

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Who invented boson?

The name boson was coined by Paul Dirac to commemorate the contribution of Satyendra Nath Bose, an Indian physicist and professor of physics at University of Calcutta and at University of Dhaka in developing, with Albert Einstein, Bose–Einstein statistics, which theorizes the characteristics of elementary particles.

Where did Oh my God particle come from?

Fastballs. “OMG” was the nickname given to the first example of what are now known as ultra-high-energy cosmic rays, detected in 1991 by the University of Utah’s Fly’s Eye cosmic ray detector. That single proton slammed into our atmosphere going roughly 99.99999999999999999999951 percent the speed of light.

What makes 42 in multiplication?

X x Y = 42. There are at least two combinations of two numbers that you can multiply together to get 42. For your convenience, we have made a list of all the combinations of two numbers multiplied by each other that will make 42: 1 x 42 = 42. 2 x 21 = 42. 3 x 14 = 42. 6 x 7 = 42. 7 x 6 = 42. 14 x 3 = 42.

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What is the secret of the universe 42?

The Secret to the (Graphic) Universe is the Number 42. Nor is it meant to represent titles that a teacher should necessarily use in the classroom (over others, for instance). Rather, the list is meant to encourage educators to acquaint themselves with the tradition and to get excited about the possibilities of using visual narrative in the classroom.

What are some Wonders of the universe?

Some Wonders of the Universe : The universe is visible to all ; but hardly anyone knows it in all its aspects- the temporal, the eternal, and the unified whole . The Universe is the ‘Sentient Being’ with the faculty of Supreme Consciousness . The Universe is a great mystery ; and man indeed is the unique creation in the universe .

What equals 42 in multiplication?

What multiplication problems equals 42 – Answers.com. Aside from 1 x 46 and its reverse, the only multiplication sum involving positive integer numbers to equal 46 is 2 x 23 (and its reverse).