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Who is older Lucius than Snape?

Who is older Lucius than Snape?

Also, Lucius Malfoy’s birth year is said to be either 1953 or 4 – which makes him 6 or 7 years older than Snape. Lucius Malfoy would have either been in his 6th or 7th year when Severus first arrived at Hogwarts as a student.

Who defeated Lucius Malfoy?

However, Harry and the five friends who accompanied him, all D.A. members, managed to hold off the Death Eaters until several members of the Order of the Phoenix arrived. Lucius was knocked unconscious by a Stunning Spell cast by Nymphadora Tonks during the battle.

Did Lucius like Snape?

After Lucius Malfoy was made Slytherin House’s Prefect, he warmly welcomed a younger Severus Snape into his social group. During their time in Hogwarts, the two befriended one another, even though Lucius clearly wouldn’t have liked Snape’s secret crush’s non-magical blood status.

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Does Lucius switch sides?

Isaacs pointed out the struggle going within Lucius that ultimately resulted in his switching sides. “Onscreen, you can see he’s always slightly stubbly and red-eyed and drinking whenever he can.

Did Harry see Lucius Malfoy in Goblet of Fire?

We don’t see much of Lucius Malfoy directly in Goblet of Fire. When Harry tells Fudge that he saw Lucius Malfoy with the resurrected Voldemort, Fudge protests weakly, “A very old family – donations to excellent causes –” (36.128).

Does Lucius hate Draco?

Throughout their entire interaction, Lucius does nothing but bully Draco and order him around. Draco is determined that everyone think his father loves him, and seems to be trying to convince himself. He is constantly searching for attention from his father by trying to get him involved in school life.

Are Severus and Lucius friends?

While Lucius still spoke highly of Snape, they weren’t friends anymore. Nothing necessarily happened between them to Lucius’s knowledge. Obviously the day Lily died was the day Snape stopped being friends with Lucius, but Lucius didn’t know that.