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Who is stronger than Donkey Kong?

Who is stronger than Donkey Kong?

If you compare solely the strength of what Donkey Kong can do in the Donkey Kong series, versus the strength of what Bowser can do, Bowser has superior strength to Donkey Kong. The problem is that in a battle Donkey Kong would likely beat Bowser because of Donkey Kong’s skills and knowledge.

Can Pikachu beat Sonic?

Pikachu does have electric attacks but he doesn’t have the strength against Sonic’s Speed or Attacks so Sonic is the winner.

Who would win a fight Pikachu or Sonic?

Pikachu may be quick, but his Sega rival is definitely quicker. Sonic’s speed would give him a distinct advantage over any of Pikachu’s potential moves. Unless Pikachu was able to time an attack extremely precisely over a very large area, this is one battle that Nintendo would lose to Sega.

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Why is his name Donkey Kong?

The origin of Donkey Kong’s name When developing the “Donkey Kong” arcade game, Nintendo video game designer Shigeru Miyamoto thought “Kong” meant gorilla in English. He wanted to use “Kong” as the last name and came up with “Donkey” as the first name, which he thought meant “stupid” in English.

Who is the strongest Kong?

Donkey Kong: 10 Strongest Monkeys In The Series, Ranked

  • 8 Dixie Kong.
  • 7 Funky Kong.
  • 6 Dread Kong.
  • 5 Karate Kong.
  • 4 Chunky Kong.
  • 3 Sumo Kong.
  • 2 Lanky Kong.
  • 1 Donkey Kong (Donkey Kong the 3rd)

What Pokemon can defeat Ash Pikachu?

When Ash goes up against the Ghost-type Ecruteak City Gym Leader Morty, despite Morty having Gengar and Haunter, his Gastly is the one that manages to defeat Ash’s Pikachu with one single Night Shade attack.

Who can defeat Pikachu?

What counters Pikachu?

Pokémon Quick move Effective damage
Excadrill Mud-Slap 93\%
Garchomp Mud Shot 92\%
Rhyperior Mud-Slap 92\%
Garchomp Mud Shot 90\%