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Who is the best character on The Office?

Who is the best character on The Office?

The 8 Best The Office Characters, Ranked (And Their Funniest Moments)

  1. Michael Scott.
  2. Dwight Schrute.
  3. Jim Halpert.
  4. Creed Bratton.
  5. Holly Flax.
  6. Robert California.
  7. Pam Beesly.
  8. Kevin Malone. Kevin had instant likability in the show.

Do people like Michael in the office?

According to The Atlantic, viewership and ratings dropped dramatically when the show continued without Michael Scott. Despite Michael’s serious flaws, it’s clear that people loved him – or at least loved laughing at him. Michael is second to Dwight in terms of the number of laughs they get out of me.

Who is the dumb character in the office?

I have very little patience for stupidity. Kevin Malone (born June 1, 1968) is a fictional character in the American television series The Office. He was played by Brian Baumgartner. Kevin is one of the few minor characters in The Office to be directly based on a character from the British original version.

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Who is your Favourite character from The Office?

1. Michael Scott. Michael Scott isn’t just the best of The Office characters, he’s one of the best characters of modern television, period.

Why do people like Michael from the office?

If you’ve ever wondered why people love Michael Scott from The Office so much, though, the reason is simple: because he’s pretty much the world’s best boss. But Michael Scott, at his core, was the world’s best boss — well, at least as far as fictional paper company bosses go.

Is Michael Scott rude?

He’s extremely self-absorbed, socially awkward, and often rude. While he might have his good moments, he consistently made audiences cringe. Michael does a lot of obnoxious things throughout the series to the extent that it’s hard to narrow them down.

Why did Michael leave the office?

After finally finding his soulmate in HR representative Holly Flax, Michael decided to quit his job and move with Holly to her home state of Colorado. In Steve’s final episode as a series regular, he spent his last day in the office saying goodbye to the employees who became his family.

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