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Who is the founder of OET?

Who is the founder of OET?

Professor Tim McNamara
OET was designed in the late 1980s by Professor Tim McNamara, under the guidance of the Australian National Office for Overseas Skills Recognition (NOOSR), which administered the test at that time.

Is OET conducted in Pakistan?

OET, the English language test for healthcare professionals, will be available in Pakistan from November 2019. With more than 20 years of experience, AEO Pakistan joins hands with Cambridge Boxhill Language Assessment (CBLA – the owners of OET) to offer OET testing in Pakistan.

Is OET written in Ghana?

Unfortunately, there are a large number of Ghanaian health professionals willing to take and pass the OET but are denied this option due to the unavailability of a test centre in Ghana. As the second-largest African country contributing nurses to the UK NHS after Nigeria, Ghana deserves to have an OET test centre.

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Who is the CEO of OET?

Sujata Stead
Sujata Stead, CEO OET, says best practice healthcare is so important to OET as an organisation.

How long should I study for OET?

Successful candidates are those who spend like 2-3 months in preparation for the exam. Yes, if you are someone who is not so-very-good at English then it is recommended that you shall spend some extra time in brushing up your English language. This will eventually help you a lot with getting a good score.

How much does ielts cost in Ghana?

IELTS test fees

Test type Fee Book
IELTS Academic – in centre (paper or computer) GHS 1727 Book now
IELTS General Training – in centre (paper or computer) GHS 1727 Book now
IELTS for UK Visas and Immigration (Academic and General Training) – in centre (paper) GHS 1760 Book now

Who is Sujata stead?

Sujata Stead, CEO OET, says best practice healthcare is so important to OET as an organisation. These frontline professionals provide essential services that promote health, prevent diseases and deliver healthcare services to women across Australia,” says Ms Michelmore.

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Is OET Recognised in Canada?

/ OET News / Specialist English language test OET now accepted in Canada. Overseas-trained doctors who want to work in Canada will now be able to take an English language test designed specifically for doctors. The test is available globally and covers 12 healthcare professions, including a specific test for Medicine.