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Who is the guy at the end of Arkham Knight?

Who is the guy at the end of Arkham Knight?

Likewise, the bat-figure in the extended ending is believed to be Bruce. Another person took the identity of Batman, regardless of Bruce’s fate: Others believe that someone else took over Batman’s old identity, basing this theories on various other Batman stories. Azrael.

How do you get the knightfall ending in Arkham Knight?

Complete Knightfall Protocol Ending. The Complete Knightfall Protocol can be enacted only when Batman was apprehended ALL of Gotham’s Most Wanted. This includes defeating all of the Arkham Knight’s militia – the Road Blocks, Watchtowers, Mines, and of course, the last leader of the militia – Deathstroke.

Why does Jason Todd hate Batman in Arkham Knight?

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Jason revealed that during the torture, Joker had convinced him to hate Batman for giving up and abandoning him only after six months while Joker was showing him “tough love” and that it was Batman whom he should truly hate.

What happens to Batman after knightfall protocol?

So that’s the first ending. Todd switches sides and disappears, Scarecrow is injected with his own toxin because that always has to happen, and Batman is outed as Bruce Wayne. The story concludes there, and Batman returns to Gotham to finish cleaning up the streets even if the main villains have been put down.

Do you need to defeat Riddler for knightfall?

It is possible to still see the credits just by doing half the Most Wanted missions, so it is still possible to beat the game without Riddler, but you need to do them all including Riddler for the full ending.

What is Project Knightfall Batman?

The Knightfall Protocol was the last of Batman’s backup plans, to be deployed only when his secret identity was compromised in order to protect those closest to him. The Knightfall Protocol was likely named after the Knightfall story arc of the Batman comics, though it has little in common in terms of a plot device.

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What happened to scarecrow after Arkham Asylum?

Scarecrow fully resurfaced within Gotham nine months after Joker’s death and Arkham City’s shut down. Severely injured after his encounter with Croc in the sewers at Arkham Asylum, Crane surgically grafted his mask to the remains of his face, fully embracing “Scarecrow” as his one and only identity.

What happened to Bruce Wayne?

In 2015, Bruce left Gotham after supposedly killing the Joker, leading the local crime rate to rise higher than ever and the Bat-Signal to be finally switched off in 2018 to signify his permanent absence. After discovering his secret identity, Kate took on her cousin’s mantle and became Batwoman.