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Who is the most handsome in Harry Potter?

Who is the most handsome in Harry Potter?

Top 10 ‘Harry Potter’ Hotties: The Crush Compilation

  • Matthew Lewis.
  • James and Oliver Phelps.
  • Stanislav Ianevski.
  • Rupert Grint.
  • Freddie Stroma.
  • Christian Coulson.
  • Daniel Radcliffe.
  • Sean Biggerstaff.

What does Draco Malfoy look like in the books?

In the books, Draco is described as having platinum blonde hair and ice grey eyes. There are many parallels between Voldemort and his army and the Axis leaders and their army in WWII, so it makes sense that Draco would look like this.

Who did Ron have a crush on?

By the beginning of her sixth year, Lavender had developed a crush on Ron Weasley. She complimented him, flirted with him, and wished him luck in his Quidditch games. After a particularly good performance in one of those games, Ron and Lavender ended up kissing.

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What does Hermione look like in the books?

In the books, Hermione is described as having “bushy brown hair” and brown eyes. Her front buck teeth, already very large, grow uncontrollably in Goblet of Fire after she is affected by a spell cast by Draco Malfoy.

What are some facts about Ron Weasley?

10 Facts about Ron Weasley. He is more known as Ron Weasley. If you are a fan of Harry Potter’s book or movies, you know that Weasley is best friend with Hermione Granger and Harry Potter. The first appearance of Weasley is in Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone. It was considered as the first Harry Potter book written by J.K. Rowling.

What are character traits of Ron Weasley?

Ron Weasley’s unique traits are Funny, having a temper, being moody, and a somewhat abrasive personality. They all three have similar traits, and they look like they overlap, but how they earn that characteristic is usually in a different way from the others.

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What is Ron Weasley’s personality?


  • Talkative
  • Empathetic
  • Anxious
  • Socializing
  • What is Ron Weasley’s middle name?

    Ron was born into the Weasley family on 1 March 1980, the sixth of their seven children, and the youngest son. His middle name, Bilius, is the same as that of a deceased uncle. Ron grew up in the family home, The Burrow, near the village of Ottery St Catchpole in Devon. Ron has six siblings: his five older brothers, Bill, Charlie, Percy, twins Fred and George, and a younger sister, Ginny, each with their own distinct personality trait.