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Who is the strongest bounty hunter Star Wars?

Who is the strongest bounty hunter Star Wars?

Boba Fett Boba Fett is arguably the most famous of all the greatest Star Wars bounty hunters, and for good reason.

Which bounty hunter killed the most Jedi?

General Grievous was among the greatest and most feared Jedi hunters, personally killing numerous Jedi in lightsaber combat during the course of the Clone Wars.

Who is the greatest bounty hunter ever?

5 famous bounty hunters

  1. John of the Priests. The 1709 Penal Act demanded that all Catholic priests take the Oath of Abjuration and recognise the Protestant Queen as Supreme Head of the Church of England and Ireland.
  2. Thomas Tate Tobin.
  3. Patrick Floyd “Pat” Garrett.
  4. Ralph “Papa” Thorson.
  5. Domino Harvey.
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Who was a better bounty hunter?

Barring any major dings to his reputation or retirement, Bane would have certainly been at the top of the Empire’s list. It’s much more likely that he was bested by a fellow bounty hunter during the Empire’s rise, and that hunter is most likely Boba Fett himself in the Star Wars galaxy.

Who killed the most sith Lords?

TL;DR, the answer is Obi-wan and Anakin at two apiece. Originally Answered: Which Jedi defeated the most Siths? There were many jedi knights and masters in the old republic era who would face off against sith and defeat them in droves during the galaxy wide sith wars.

Who is the most famous bounty hunter today?

For bail bondsmen and bounty hunters everywhere, Duane “Dog” Chapman is certainly a controversial figure. Dog the bounty hunter, for better or worse, is generally considered to be the most famous bounty hunter in the business today.

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Who is the famous bounty hunter?


Name Life Years active
Millard Gardner 1903–1989 1925–1927
Scott “Bulldog” Gribble 1965–2021 2010–2021
Domino Harvey 1969–2005 1993–1997
Jonathan Idema 1956–2012 2001–2004

Who is the best bounty hunter in the galaxy?

Jango Fett Considered by Darth Tyranus to be the best bounty hunter in the galaxy, he is the template for every clone trooper in existence, as well as Boba Fett.

Who is the best bounty hunter in the US?