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Who says Godspeed in Star Wars?

Who says Godspeed in Star Wars?

A few of the most powerful Jedi have become one with the Force, but are they then in Heaven? Among the many complaints detractors have levied against The Last Jedi is the instance Vice Admiral Holdo wishes the Rebellion “godspeed” before she sacrifices her life to help their escape pods flee to the safety of Crait.

What was Holdos plan?

With the mutiny put down, Holdo and Organa resumed their plan to secretly evacuate the Raddus and make for Crait.

What does Godspeed rebels mean?

Godspeed just means good luck on your new adventure.

Who is General Holdo?

An unconventional Resistance officer, Amilyn Holdo was one of Leia Organa’s oldest friends. She assumed command of the Resistance fleet after Leia was injured. As the peril to the Resistance grew, Holdo’s insistence on secrecy and her brusque manner led her into conflict with Poe Dameron.

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Why did Admiral Holdo not tell Poe?

The short answer to the question of, “Why didn’t Holdo tell Poe her plan?” is that he doesn’t earn her trust. And the thing about trust is that it needs to be earned and more than that, it also needs to be actively maintained.

Who played Poe’s love interest?

The Loves of Edgar Allan Poe is a 1942 drama film directed by Harry Lachman, starring Linda Darnell and Shepperd Strudwick. The film is a cinematic biography of Edgar Allan Poe that examines his romantic relationships with Sarah Elmira Royster and Virginia Clemm.

Who is the girl in the mask in rise of Skywalker?

Zorii Bliss appeared in the 2019 film Star Wars: Episode IX The Rise of Skywalker, where she was portrayed by Keri Russell.

Who is KES Dameron?

Kes Dameron was a human male soldier who served as a sergeant in the Alliance to Restore the Republic during the Galactic Civil War. He was married to Shara Bey, a Rebel pilot, with whom he had a son named Poe. Dameron fought with the Pathfinders for the next several weeks, including the raid at the Wretch of Tayron.