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Who was the best female Jedi?

Who was the best female Jedi?

Star Wars: 5 Ways Ahsoka Tano Is The Best Female Jedi (& 5 It’s Rey Skywalker)

  1. 1 Rey Is The Best: She Ended The Threat Of Palpatine.
  2. 2 Ahsoka Is The Best: She Was Part Of The Best Star Wars Content In Years.
  3. 3 Rey Is The Best: She Helped Redeem Kylo Ren.
  4. 4 Ahsoka Is The Best: She Was Trained By The Best.

What is a female Jedi Knight called?

Jedi Master
The term ‘Jedi’ is used for males and females alike. A female Jedi then becomes a Jedi Knight or Jedi Master.

Who was the female Jedi Master?

Luminara Unduli
Luminara Unduli was a Force-sensitive Mirialan female Jedi Master during the final days of the Jedi Order. She commanded the 41st Elite Corps of the Grand Army of the Republic, and was the master of Padawan Barriss Offee.

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Who was the most powerful female Sith?

4 Satele Shan Satele was a seasoned veteran of the Great Galactic War and her greatest victory came on the world of Alderaan where she clinically ended the powerful Sith Darth Malgus.

Who is the blue female Jedi?

Aayla Secura
With an athletic build, an exotic beauty, and blue skin, Aayla Secura stood out among the many faces of the Jedi ranks. A cunning warrior and Jedi Knight during the rise of the Clone Wars, Aayla fought alongside Clone Commander Bly on many exotic battlefields.

How many female Jedi are there?

Over a 13 years period, from The Phantom Menace to Revenge of the Sith, the Jedi High Council only has five different women. And, one will notice from the small lists above that none of the women in The Phantom Menace are on the Council when we get to Revenge of the Sith.

Do female padawans have braids?

As far as I know, female Padawan learners wore a Silka Bead in place of a hair strand/braid. To answer the main question, as far as I know, padawan braids are the same for both genders.