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Who was the most intelligent in Death Note?

Who was the most intelligent in Death Note?

The 10 Smartest Heroes In Death Note, Ranked

  1. 1 L. Lawliet.
  2. 2 Near. Apart from L, Near is easily the next-smartest character in the series, smarter even than his partner, Mello.
  3. 3 Mello. Mello and Near grew up in competition with one another to succeed L.
  4. 4 Light Yagami.
  5. 5 Teru Mikami.
  6. 6 Naomi Misora.
  7. 7 Watari.
  8. 8 Roger Ruvie.

Was Mello a good guy?

7 Is he completely evil? The answer may be surprising: no. Mello is certainly an aggressive fellow, and he would probably rank as chaotic evil in the Dungeons and Dragons alignment chart. Even Light is shocked at his extreme methods, such as blowing up his own headquarters to escape Soichiro’s assault team.

What did Mello do Kiyomi?

When Mello sent Matt to distract Kiyomi’s guards, Mello demanded that Kiyomi get aboard his motorcycle and flee the scene with him, but that was just a pretext. Mello handcuffed himself to Kiyomi to keep her with him, and then he tossed her into the back of a truck.

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Is Mello a criminal?

Profession… international criminal. Mello was 14 when he ran away from Wammy’s House, but he’s obviously done well for himself. Now 19, he works with mafia leaders in the U.S., offering his resources in exchange for using Rod Ross’s power to catch Kira.

Is Mello the most powerful character in Death Note?

Physically, no! Mello, according to official Death Note statistics, is the fourth smartest human character behind L, Light, and Near, and his ruthless streak is something to be feared. He also wields pistols and is willing to set off explosives. But you’d never guess it if you met him.

How did Mello and Soichiro get the Death Note?

The missile crashes into the ocean, and the Mafia are able to obtain the Death Note before the authorities can trace it. During these events, Mello communicates with Soichiro while eating chocolate, a fact that is passed on to Near—Mello’s intention being to show his rival that he has beaten him an obtained the Death Note first.

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Who is the most intelligent person in Death Note?

Namikawa is a member of the villainous Yotsuba Group, Death Note ‘s own eight horsemen of the apocalypse, if you will. These business tycoons seek to use the Death Note for industrial sabotage of the murderous kind, and Namikawa is the most intelligent of the bunch.

How did the Mafia get the Death Note?

He then forces Soichiro to come to the USA and hand over the Death Note, which is placed in a missile that cannot be tracked by radar. The missile crashes into the ocean, and the Mafia are able to obtain the Death Note before the authorities can trace it.