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Why are business papers pink?

Why are business papers pink?

Most newspapers – but not The Financial Times. In 1893, The Financial Times, a prominent London newspaper, decided to start printing its articles on light salmon-pink paper. The pink background was meant to distinguish the paper from the Financial and Mining News. The paper’s PR team explained the change.

Why are some newspapers yellow?

With paper, it all comes back to the fact that it’s made from wood, which contains the substance lignin. When the molecules responsible for color (chromophores) in lignin are exposed to air and sunlight, they become less stable, causing them to absorb more light, gradually darkening the paper from white to yellow.

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What colour paper does the Financial Times use?

In 1893, the FT first began printing on pink paper to distinguish it from its main rival, the Financial News.

What daily newspaper is printed on pink paper?

the Financial Times
Early in the second decade of the 21st century, daily readership of paper and electronic versions of the Financial Times was estimated at more than two million people. Since the 1890s the newspaper has been identifiable by its distinctive pink paper, a design element echoed across its digital products.

What does pink paper mean?

If you get an email or a letter that officially announces you’ve been laid off from your job, you can call it a pink slip. In some cases, workers receive literal pink slips — notices (traditionally on pink paper) included with their paychecks informing them that they’ve been fired or laid off.

What happened to the color of paper?

Pure cellulose is white, and the paper made from it will be white and will resist yellowing. Lignin eventually turns paper yellow because of oxidation. That is, the lignin molecules, when exposed to oxygen in the air, begin to change and become less stable. The lignin will absorb more light, giving off a darker color.

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Why are papers White?

Generally speaking, (and setting aside the manufacturing process for now), paper is pale because the most widely available inks throughout history tended to be black. Combining the blackest ink with the whitest writing material creates the starkest contrast, which makes text easier to read.

Is Financial Times still pink?

The paper is often characterised by its light-pink (salmon) newsprint. It is supplemented by its lifestyle magazine (FT Magazine), weekend edition (FT Weekend) and a small portfolio of industry publications….Financial Times.

Cover of the 22 February 2021 issue
ISSN 0307-1766
Website ft.com

Why are Financial Times printed on pink paper?

On 2 January 1893 the FT began printing on light pink paper to distinguish it from the similarly named Financial News: at the time it was also cheaper to print on unbleached paper (several other more general newspapers, such as The Sporting Times, had the same policy), but nowadays it is more expensive as the paper has …

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What type of newspaper is the Financial Times?

daily newspaper
(Nikkei Inc.) The Financial Times (FT) is a daily newspaper printed in broadsheet and published digitally that focuses on business and economic current affairs.