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Why can a machine not be 100\% efficient?

Why can a machine not be 100\% efficient?

A machine cannot be 100 percent efficient because output of a machine is always less than input. A certain amount of work done on a machine is lost to overcome friction and to lift some moving parts of the machine.

What are examples of ideal machines?

The ideal mechanism does not absorb any power, which means the power input is equal to the power output. An example is the automobile engine (internal combustion engine) which burns fuel (an exothermic chemical reaction) inside a cylinder and uses the expanding gases to drive a piston.

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How is an ideal machine different from a real machine?

Ideal machine has 100\% efficiency i.e work done on the machine is equal to the work done by the machine while a practical machine is not 100\% efficient due to the energy loss in friction etc.

What is the principle of ideal machine?

The principle of an ideal machine is to convert all the given energy into a useful energy. This means that all the energy that is given in as the input must be converted to the required energy as the output and it must not be converted to any other form of energy that is not required.

What is the mechanical advantage of an ideal machine?

Explanation: An ideal machine is that in which there is no dissipation of energy in any manner. In an ideal machine, the work output is equal to the work input, i.e., efficiency of an ideal machine is 100\%. In ideal machines mechanical advantage is equal to velocity ratio.

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What will be the efficiency of an ideal machine?

The efficiency of an ideal machine is 100 \%.

What is the relationship between the mechanical advantage and velocity ratio of an ideal machine?

(i) For an ideal machine (free from friction etc.), work output is equal to the work input, so the efficiency is equal to 1 ( or 100\% ) and the mechanical advantage is numerically equal to the velocity ratio. So, For an ideal machine, M.A. = V.R.

What is the principle of ideal machine class 10?

An ideal machine is that in which there is no dissipation of energy in any manner. The work output is equal to the work output i.e., 100 \% efficiency.

Why is ideal machines mechanical advantage equal to velocity ratio?

Can you explain the three main important reason why we use machines?

Three main important reasons why we use machines are : It makes our work easier and faster. 2.It makes our work perfectly. Machines are versatile.

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What is the relationship between Ma and VR if the machine is not ideal?

The ideal machine has an efficiency 1. Efficiency = Mehanical Advantage / velocity Ratio. For ideal machine efficiency = 1. Hence M.A = V. R.