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Why data carrying capacity of optical fiber is more than that of radio waves?

Why data carrying capacity of optical fiber is more than that of radio waves?

Therefore, distributing high frequency radio signals electrically over long distances requires expensive regenerating equipment. (ii) Large Bandwidth: Optical Fibers offer enormous bandwidth. This is so because signals are transmitted in the form of light through the Fiber[9].

Why is the channel capacity of fiber optic cable higher compared to traditional cable?

It is able to transmit light between the two ends. The main advantages of optical fiber communication over electrical cable transmission is its high bandwidth capability (almost 10Gps) over long distances due to the extremely low loss at same specific wavelengths (e.g. 1.3 um and 1.55 um).

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Why is optical Fibre cable better than copper cable in transmitting data?

A copper cable carries electrical pulses along its metal strands, whereas fiber optic carries pulses of light along flexible glass threads. This cable structure has a standardized performance of more than 10 Gbps. More bandwidth means more data transmission with greater reliability.

Why Fibre cables carry data at such a high rate?

Here’s the important thing to remember: fibre optic transmits data as light, while copper delivers information as electricity. As light travels exponentially faster than electricity, reason suggests that data will travel faster via fibre optic cables than it would through copper.

How do fiber optics transmit so much data?

Fiber-optic cables transmit data via fast-traveling pulses of light. Another layer of glass, called “cladding,” is wrapped around the central fiber and causes light to repeatedly bounce off the walls of the cable rather than leak out at the edges, enabling the single to go farther without attenuation.

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Why are optical Fibres efficient?

1) Bandwidth Fiber provides more bandwidth than copper and has standardized performance up to 10 Gbps and beyond, something that it is impossible to achieve when using copper. More bandwidth means that fiber can carry more information with far greater efficiency than copper wire.

What is the carrying capacity of an optical fiber?

Recent research on space-division multiplexing using multi-core fibre technology has yielded the highest total capacity per optical fibre [8] of 2.15 Pbit s−1 over 31 km of 22-core single-mode fibre.

What is information capacity and explain its importance to a communications system?

In electronic communication channels the information capacity is the maximum amount of information that can pass through a channel without error, i.e., it is a measure of channel “goodness.” The actual amount of information depends on the code— how information is represented.