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Why did Kylo Ren never use force lightning?

Why did Kylo Ren never use force lightning?

While Kylo Ren couldn’t use Force lightning in Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker (whether by choice or lack of training), it was most likely Rey’s Palpatine ancestry dark ancestry that allowed her to conjure it. Generally the EU does a better job at setting rules around the Force.

Can Darth Bane use force lightning?

While most Force Lightning manifested itself as blue(Darth Vader (before duel on Mustafar and obtaining armor), Darth Tyranus), it could appear in several hues. For example, Palpatine, Darth Bane and Darth Nox had all used purple lightning.

Did maul ever use force lightning?

Two easily explainable reasons for why Maul never used Force lightning, which have come up several times, are one) that he wasn’t a Sith Lord and two) he never learned the ability in the first place. Before Maul was a Sith, he was a Nightbrother from the planet Dathomir.

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Why could REY use force lightning?

Rey tapped into the dark side of the Force to use Force Lightning because she let her anger and hatred consume her briefly. But that doesn’t mean that she is part of the dark side. She just usually pulls from the light side more. She is also Palpatine’s granddaughter so it’s in her blood.

How did Rey shoot lightning?

Assuming that one of the First Order transporters was holding the Wookiee, Rey attempted to stop its departure using the Force In the spur of the moment and, in her heightened emotion at the thought of losing Chewie, as well as everything else she was going through, she shot down the transport using Force Lightning …

Does Plo Koon have force lightning?

In addition to Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon, players could use Adi Gallia, Mace Windu, or Plo Koon. Plo Koon can’t use Force Lightning. The only media in which this ability was suggested was the Playstation game Jedi Power Battles, which was a sort of co-op arcade game version of The Phantom Menace.

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Did Yoda use Force lightning in the last Jedi?

Both Palpatine and Yoda use lightning In the first, Yoda uses lightning to the Island of Ahch-To in The Last Jedi.