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Why did Natasha sacrifice herself for the soul stone?

Why did Natasha sacrifice herself for the soul stone?

When Red Skull informed Black Widow and Hawkeye that they must sacrifice something that they love, the two fought over which would be the one to die, each wanting themselves to be the one, resulting in Romanoff tricking Barton, then sacrificing herself.

Who tells Thanos that he must make a sacrifice to obtain the soul stone in Avengers?

the Red Skull
The Sacrifice of Gamora was the ultimate step that was required in order for Thanos to obtain the Soul Stone. When the Red Skull informed Thanos that he must sacrifice something that he loved to obtain the Soul Stone, he threw his adopted daughter off the cliff with great sadness.

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Do Clint and Nat love each other?

While never explicitly stated in the films leading up to Avengers: Endgame, Natasha Romanoff and Clint Barton have a romantic connection in their relationship, though they couldn’t consummate it for various reasons. In the comics as well as the films, Hawkeye and Black Widow worked together as S.H.I.E.L.D.

What does Red Skull say to Black Widow?

When Black Widow and Hawkeye travel to Vormir in Avengers: Endgame, Red Skull calls her “Natasha, daughter of Ivan.” This may have seemed like an unimportant piece of information, but she later confesses that she did not know her father – or at least that “Ivan” was her true father until this cosmic figure claimed it …

Who is Natasha love interest?

During the War, the young Natasha served in the Russian army where she fell in love with another young soldier named Nikolai. Despite their initial happiness, their union did not end blissfully. Nikolai was killed in the war and the baby girl they conceived did not survive birth.

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Who does Black Widow love in Avengers?

Who is Black Widow in love with? In the MCU, Black Widow was, at one point, romantically involved with Bruce Banner (Hulk), played by Mark Ruffalo. Their relationship was explored in Avengers: Age of Ultron, but largely ignored thereafter except in Banner’s devastation at her death in Avengers: Endgame.

Is Ivan from Iron Man 2 Natasha’s dad?

Comic. Ivan Romanoff (Russian: Иван Романов) was the father of Natasha Romanoff.