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Why did the North Vietnamese fight the US?

Why did the North Vietnamese fight the US?

China had become communist in 1949 and communists were in control of North Vietnam. The USA was afraid that communism would spread to South Vietnam and then the rest of Asia. It decided to send money, supplies and military advisers to help the South Vietnamese Government.

Who did Australia fight in the Vietnam War?

From 1962 to 1973, more than 60,000 Australians served in the Vietnam War. They were part of an allied force led by the United States. Australians fought alongside South Vietnamese Government troops against the Vietcong, a communist-led insurgent force supported by the North Vietnamese Army.

Why did Australia support America in the Vietnam War?

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Australian support for South Vietnam in the early 1960s was in keeping with the policies of other nations, particularly the United States, to stem the spread of communism in Europe and Asia. Their arrival in South Vietnam during July and August 1962 was the beginning of Australia’s involvement in the Vietnam War.

What happened to North Vietnam after the Vietnam War?

Victory for North Vietnam (1973–75) W hen the last U.S. troops left Vietnam in 1973, President Nguyen Van Thieu (1923–) and his South Vietnamese government expressed deep unhappiness with the withdrawal. After all, the Communist government of North Vietnam was still trying to take control of the country.

What did Neil Davis think of Australian troops in Vietnam?

Looking back on ten years of reporting the war in Vietnam and Cambodia, journalist Neil Davis said in 1983: “I was very proud of the Australian troops. They were very professional, very well trained and they fought the people they were sent to fight—the Viet Cong.

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How many Australian troops were involved in the Vietnam War?

Australia’s involvement in the Vietnam War began with a small commitment of 30 military advisors in 1962, and increased over the following decade to a peak of 7,672 Australian personnel following the Menzies Government ‘s April 1965 decision to upgrade its military commitment…

How much did it cost Australia to fight in Vietnam?

Between 1962 and March 1972 the estimated cost of Australia’s involvement to the war in Vietnam was $218.4 million. In March 1975 the Australian Government dispatched RAAF transport aircraft to South Vietnam to provide humanitarian assistance to refugees fleeing the North Vietnamese Ho Chi Minh Campaign.