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Why did the Qin Dynasty collapse quizlet?

Why did the Qin Dynasty collapse quizlet?

Why did the Qin Dynasty fall? A different son got the throne, influenced by two previous advisers who wanted power. His son was killed and the dynasty collapsed entirely.

Which of the following were contributing factors in the collapse of the Qin Dynasty?

Qin dynasty

Qin 秦
• Accession of Qin Shi Huang 221 BC
• Death of Qin Shi Huang 210 BC
• Surrender to Liu Bang 206 BC

What happened to books that presented ideas that were not the official view of the Qin Dynasty *?

What happened to books that presented ideas that were not the official view of the Qin dynasty? They were publically burned.

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Which of the following explains the impact of Buddhism on Shinto during the later Heian period?

Which of the following explains the impact of Buddhism on Shinto during the later Heian period? Shinto deities came to be seen as the local manifestations of universal Buddhas. Which of the following helped shape medieval Japanese culture?

Who brought Buddhism to Japan?

Buddhism was imported to Japan via China and Korea in the form of a present from the friendly Korean kingdom of Kudara (Paikche) in the 6th century. While Buddhism was welcomed by the ruling nobles as Japan’s new state religion, it did not initially spread among the common people due to its complex theories.

What ended the Heian period?

794 AD – 1185
Heian period/Periods

What usually caused the fall of each of the dynasties in China?

According to the atmospheric record contained in a stalagmite, one of the causes of that downfall may have been climate change. The stalagmite reveals, for example, that the vital rains of the Asian monsoon weakened at the time of the downfalls of the Tang, Yuan and Ming dynasties over the past 1,810 years.

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What factors led to the fall of the empires?

Often times, the biggest reason for the decline of an empire is that they have become overextended; either by reaching too far, too fast or by being forced, often times through economic need, to keep on capturing land.
