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Why did the Sorcerer Supreme give Hulk the Time Stone?

Why did the Sorcerer Supreme give Hulk the Time Stone?

It’s the duty of the Sorcerer Supreme to protect the Time Stone.” The Ancient One is then shocked realizing that Strange would only have given up the stone to Thanos for a good reason, the Ancient One decided to trust in her future successor, handing over the Time Stone to Hulk. …

Why did the Sorcerer Supreme make a mistake?

However, it’s the duty of the Sorcerer Supreme to protect the Time Stone at all costs. The mistake she was referring to was her initial intent to not give the Time Stone. Before explaining, it’s important to keep in mind that the Ancient One has the ability to see the future (but only so far).

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Why did she give Bruce the Time Stone?

That’s why she gave him the Time Stone, because she believed in Strange’s plan!!! She didn’t trust Bruce on his word, that was her mistake as she got to know Strange gave the infinity stone to Thanos. She knew he did it for a reason as he was one of the best of them. And so she gave Bruce the stone.

What did the Sorcerer Supreme mean in endgame?

884●4 ●7. Up vote 12. The Ancient One is referring to her taking Stephen Strange as a student. She states that it is the Sorcerer Supreme’s duty to protect the Time stone. Since Strange apparently willingly gave up the stone to Thanos she is worried that she chose wrongly in her successor as Sorcerer Supreme.

Why did Dr Strange give away the Time Stone?

During the final act of Avengers Infinity War, Iron Man was about to be killed by Thanos on Titan. However, Doctor Strange willingly gave up the Time Stone to spare Tony Stark’s life. As a result, Thanos managed to collect all six Infinity Stones and snap away half the universe, including the Sorcerer Supreme himself.

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Why didnt Dr Strange use the Time Stone on the ancient one?

Because there is no evidence that Strange can time-travel Strange experimentally reverses and then multiplies the effect of time on an apple. Strange ‘undoes’ the destruction of the Sanctuary by Kaecilius and his followers. Strange manipulates Dormammu by introducing a time loop into his dimension.

Why did Dr Strange give the stone to Thanos?

Strange saw the 14,000,605 outcomes of their conflict to Thanos and he only saw 1 possible end that they won. Maybe, just maybe, in that winning moment, he saw that Tony Start is alive. So to fulfill that destiny, he gave the stone to Thanos in exchange of Stark’s life.

Why did Dr Strange give the Infinity Stone to Thanos?
