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Why do British pronounce sixth?

Why do British pronounce sixth?

Starts here5:27How To Pronounce ‘Sixth’ in Standard British English: Word Of The Day #26YouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clip57 second suggested clipSo altogether you have or at normal speed. And all of those sounds all three are unvoiced whichMoreSo altogether you have or at normal speed. And all of those sounds all three are unvoiced which means there’s no vibration. So sixth sixth and of course um if you’re saying the fraction.

Why can’t I say sixth?

It’s just not common to put a sibilant (s) between a stop (k) and a fricative (th). In general, this means that this cluster, and therefore the word “sixth”, is an above average difficult word to pronounce.

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Why do British people pronounce Ibiza with a th?

Ibiza is a Spanish island, and the “z” in Castilian Spanish–Spanish spoken in Spain–is pronounced “th.” The Brits are simply pronouncing the island the way they have heard the Spanish speaking about their own country.

How do British people pronounce 6th?

Finally, the word “sixth” has more than one possible pronunciation in English. It is usually pronounced SIKSTH in British English (pronounced as the word ‘six’, with ‘th’ as in ‘thin’ attached at the end), but can also be pronounced SIKST-TH.

How do British people say 6th?

It’s common practice in Ireland (and the US as far as I know) to pronounce the x in the middle of sixth: six-th [sɪksθ]. However, I’ve noticed from visits to England as well as watching British television, that a lot of English people pronounce it as ‘sicth’ [sɪkθ].

How do Brits say Ibiza?

Because eye-bee-tha (or quite often these days, eye-bee-fa) is the accepted pronunciation of the name “Ibiza” in British English.

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How do you pronounce Sesquipedalian UK?

Break ‘sesquipedalian’ down into sounds: [SESK] + [WI] + [PI] + [DAY] + [LEE] + [UHN] – say it out loud and exaggerate the sounds until you can consistently produce them.

How do you pronounce 6th and 6th in English?

When talking fast, it is common (though not universal) for native english speakers to pronounce both sixth and sixths as /siks/ (same as “six”). So to answer OP, the consonant cluster xth and xths is difficult to pronounce and many native speakers take the shortcut of simply saying /siks/.

How do native speakers pronounce sixth?

Some native speakers are shocked at this. They’ll even “prove it to themselves” by pronouncing it and concluding they say sixth as /siksθ/. However, native speakers are not always the best at guiding you to common pronunciations because they underestimate the wide variety of ways we merge and simplify words when talking.

Is Sikth always pronounced as SikTh in the UK?

Ronan Murphy, it’s not always pronounced as sikth, in the UK. There are British people who pronounce it as siksth. – Tristan r Mar 12 ’14 at 14:15

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How do you pronounce the X in Ireland?

It’s common practice in Ireland (and the US as far as I know) to pronounce the x in the middle of sixth: six-th [sɪksθ]. However, I’ve noticed from visits to England as well as watching British Stack Exchange Network